I’m simply not good enough for this world
by Mike Cooper | Nov 16, 2022
I’m bald, I have grey hair, and I am overweight. My family and I are not perfect and we struggle with many things.
The world tells me I’m not good enough for it. I see ads online and TV every day for products telling me as much.
I need to work hard and pay money to get my hair back, I need to dye my grey beard black, and I need a chiselled chest with a 12-pack of abs, or I won’t get the life I dreamed of. The car I drive is inferior to my neighbours, my house is not in the best part of town, and I can’t afford to put my kids in all the sports and extra activities or pay for the best school to help ensure they’re a success in the world we live in.
I’m simply not good enough for this world.
Do you know what else tells me I’m not good enough?
The Bible.
I’m a sinner, a thief, a liar, an adulterer, I worship idols, etc.
It seems as if the bible is telling me the same exact thing as the world. No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be good enough.
Do you understand there is a difference though?
They both say you’ll never be good enough. There is not enough you can do to please the world or God.
There is no work that can be done to grant you favour.
But the God of the Bible offers grace and a path different than worldly desires and the other tells you if you just work a little harder, sweat a little more, and sacrifice more time…you still have to try harder.
I mean, just look at the world’s elite and celebrities. They have the very best the world has to offer, and it’s still not enough. When it comes to earthly desires, there is never enough. They always want more!
While the world keeps pushing you down because you’re not good enough for it God sent Jesus to save us, lift us up and release us of this burden.
This offer of grace frees us from the world to work on ourselves and our relationship with Jesus, which in time impacts our relationship with the world. It paves the foundation of truth that not one of us is good enough. We don’t need to worry about the standards of the world.
So yeah. I’m old, I’m bald. I’ve got grey hair. I’m overweight. My relationships could be better and yeah, I could improve many things in my life. The difference is not doing it because the world tells me it’s what I need to do in order to be accepted. We do it because Jesus shows us true unconditional love, grace, and acceptance to all of us because none of us can ever be good enough no matter how hard we try. It’s something we all need and needs to work on replicating in the world. Yes, including me.
Let me share with you this common verse:
John 3:16 (NKJV)
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Here’s the next verse that’s usually forgotten. The world condemns you for never being good enough. It’s a part of sinful nature. Despite what you may have heard, Jesus does not condemn you, He came to save you from the world that condemns you every day for not being good enough.
John 3:17 (NKJV)
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.