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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

A stern warning to the rich oppressors

by | Jun 11, 2023

A stern warning to the wealthy that are corrupt and take advantage of those poorer than them.
Your time will come. Not at the hands of those you oppress, but God himself will not resist his judgement upon you.
James was rather serious, firm, and to the point regarding the works of man.
He remained firm that salvation does not come by works. That is a gift from God. However, faith in God without works is dead. It’s of no good. If you have been saved, there is now work to be done.
But as highlighted in the image, he also addresses the works of evil, corrupt, and wealthy men who take advantage of those under them.
But with any good warning, with any corruption caused by sin, Not only does James address those who trespass on us, he tells us as believers what we should do during these times of being oppressed. And big shocker, not once did he say to play the victim card.
Open up your bibles and let’s go over the rest of the chapter as we seek wisdom on how we should respond in such circumstances.
???? verses 7-8: Patience. We must be patient. It’s been said that patience is a virtue. Patience is not something we pray to receive. Patience is a learned skill. We must practice it. There are many verses that instruct us on how to gain patience, and that’s usually in our suffering. Those who avoid suffering, usually lack patience.
???? verses 9-10: Why do we need patience? Because during these times we will be plotted against each other. The corrupt that are taking advantage of us, use narratives to divide us. This is an age-old tactic. If people believe that their brothers and sisters are their enemies, they will not look at the corrupt rulers who are the true enemies. These verses are telling us not to grumble among each other, or we will be condemned. Judgment is right at the door, do not allow yourself to be condemned as the corrupt will. Again, practice patience like the prophets did in the old testament.
???? verses 11-12: Those who endure with patience are blessed. Stay firm and committed by your word, not waving. Do what you said you would do, do not follow the ways of the corrupt who say one thing but do another. We can see this today as the corrupt are waging their war against the people. Do everything to avoid being like them in their ways.
???? verses 13-15: God will meet our needs, regardless of what they are. Just stay focused on God regardless of the situation. In times of sickness, in health, in oppression. God is the answer. If you’re spending more time learning the deeds of the evil one rather than God, that is a problem that can lead you to condemnation as you learn more about his ways.
???? verses 16-18: Pray. Pray. Pray. The power of prayer, is, well, powerful. Confess our sins we’ve committed on another and pray for healing. As we discussed above, we will be divided by a narrative. If we sin against one of our own, let’s confess it and seek forgiveness as Christ would. If we focus on being righteous with God, our prayers are far more likely to be answered. If we’re disobedient to God, it is more likely that He may not answer our prayers as we’ve shown not to keep Him first.
???? verses 19-20: This chapter ends with saving sinners. That is our mission. Making disciples of the nations. We can come up with all the ways and scheme up ways in which we think this battle of oppression is won. But when we look at the lens of the bible being a guide to warfare (spiritual) it’s not won by protests, riots, war with weapons, etc. It’s won by training the future. It’s won by leading people to Christ and letting Him work within them. We’ve seen how that transformation changes people from Saul to Paul.
James is a book of works. Works that the world does, and works that Christians should be doing.
The question YOU and I MUST wrestle with is, what does that work look like? What talents had God given us, that we will work for Him and His great commission He’s called us to do.

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For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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