All evil comes from good.
That might sound contradictory as we tend to see evil as the opposite of good. Most pagan religions paint the image of them being equal and in contradiction to each other. Much like the eastern Ying/Yang, or the concept of Karma. What goes around comes around.
However, if we look closer we can see that every evil thing done is by those who desire something good.
And if we cannot debunk that statement, and I suggest we can’t, we must conclude and agree that all evil comes from good.
And that’s a very uncomfortable truth to accept.
Because we see ourselves as good and want nothing in common with those who do evil things.
Think about this.
A guy steals food from a local grocer. Did he just do something evil? We would say yes.
But he’s a homeless guy who hasn’t eaten in days, and just wants some food to settle his stomach pains and get some nutrients.
Most of us would say that having food is a good thing, he just did something evil because he wanted something good for himself.
What about these global elites that want to restrict our travel, reduce the population, and “save the planet”.
They all want something good. Well, in their eyes anyway. In order to achieve that good thing, they must do very evil things to people.
This is the very reason why the bible tells us to judge a man based on his/her fruit. It also defines very clearly what good fruit from the spirit looks like.
Ephesians 5:9 (NKJV)
(for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth)
Galatians 5:22 (NKJV)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
There are many more verses on this topic.
Because the worse evil comes from good, we must look at the fruit produced by the person.
One could look at Bill Gates and see the good things he’s done in his life. He’s achieved great things and he desires to save the planet. But, once we look at his fruit, the damage he’s done in 3rd world countries and the things he wants to do, is it good according to the definition in scripture?
There is another saying that says: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”
The very reason why evil isn’t exposed until it’s too late is that it has good intentions. The WEF has some good intentions.
God is good. He is righteous and holy. He set the standard and truth of what good look like. He created everything, including Satan.
We must remember that Satan was cast down out of heaven. That means at one point he was considered good. It was his desire to achieve what he thought was good in his eyes that cause him to do and be evil.
In conclusion.
In order to know what is truly good and what is evil, we must have a truth that defines them. We must be able to look at the fruit being produced to determine whether something is good or evil.
Without that foundational truth, the masses of people on earth look at the world elite, celebrities, and media that are driving us to hell and say “that is good”.
This is why Christians need to have discernment and not blindly accept what the world calls “good” because it sees good and evil as simply opposites. The Bible clearly teaches that evil comes from good, which is why it calls our heart’s desires evil.
Christians must keep our eyes on and only seek what is righteous and holy, not good. If we’re only focused on what is good, we’re of the world thinking as it does.
If we examine the fruit of the church as a whole in the last few decades, I think we can agree that those of us who take on the name of Christ have compromised and settled for good instead of what is holy.
But that’s ok because with holiness comes grace and forgiveness.
We don’t need to dwell on our failures or shortcomings, we just need to adjust our eyes and focus on what is holy and pure instead of what is just good.