???? People prepare for floods.
???? People prepare for fires.
???? People prepare for hurricanes.
???? People prepare for tornadoes.
???? People prepare for earthquakes.
???? People prepare for volcanic eruptions.
And we call them “Acts of God”.
Because people believe only God can cause such destruction and is always out to harm us.
And yet very few people…
Prepare for a corrupt and tyrannical government that wants to enslave its people.
Because it’s unthinkable that people in the land of the free would turn on themselves. We worship the idea of democracy as if it’s the last hope for man.
And yet, time and time again through history we see how humans enslave and destroy each other in the pursuit of money, power, and passion.
And they’re able to pull it off with one simple narrative.
Isaiah 5:20 NKJV
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
They call evil good and good evil, and the masses embrace it!
They enslave themselves with the sins they were told are good.
Then they look at God’s commands for us and call them evil because how can a loving God deny your hearts desires? That’s not loving!
Those that continue to push the narrative call natural disasters that kill people acts of God, and all our efforts to save people from them are humanitarian.
Do you see the narrative?
God = Evil
Man = Good
Yet, God has taught us through much of the scripture that is both historic and prophetic in nature to prepare for the corruption of man. Corruption so evil that it will enslave all of humanity around the world.
There is no hope in Man. There is only hope in God and our trust is in Him.
It’s the inevitable nature of sin that we’re to prepare for. For the wrath of evil (satanic) men are far more dangerous than floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes.
The Bible was written to prepare us for the dangers ahead much like some prepare for natural disasters. It’s the action plan to prepare for the coming disaster.
Much like the natural disasters we all prepare for, it’s not because they might happen, it’s because they’ve happened in the past, and will happen again in the future.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV)
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.
This isn’t a message of fear and doom.
Nor is this meant to scare anyone.
It’s the reality that most are far removed from. Like any other disaster, it’s those that are best prepared for it that come out of it stronger.
Disaster is coming. Our governments in the west are more corrupt than at any time in our short history. Our people are already slaves to their sins.
At this point, they only have two options.
Collapse everything. In this scenario, they lose.
Enslave everyone. In this scenario, they win (in their eyes).
Do you really believe they’re entertaining a collapse?
This is why tyranny is the only option, and we have no hope in man. But, they need to keep the narrative alive.
It’s all God’s fault, and they’re here to save us.