Can the majority be wrong? Why democracy is a lie.
by Mike Cooper | Nov 29, 2022
Democracy is flawed.
Its basis is that the people have a voice and if the majority of people want something, they get it because they’re the majority.
It runs on the premise that the majority can’t be wrong.
If that’s the case, we should all accept that what happened in the 1940s in Germany was not wrong, right?
No, if anything it shows us that the “m” in “masses” can often be silent.
It shows us that all people are in fact sheep in need of a shepherd to lead them.
It shows us that all people do follow a shepherd.
The question is who are you allowing to shepherd you and are they worthy of such a position?
John 10:11 (NKJV)
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”
Ezekiel 34:23 (NKJV)
I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them—My servant David. He shall feed them and be their shepherd.
Jeremiah 23:1 (NKJV)
“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” says the Lord.