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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

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Capitalism vs Socialism

by | Jan 1, 2023

Socialism without capitalism is communism.

Capitalism without socialism is fascism.

There needs to be a healthy balance between the two ideologies for society to thrive.

The issue with when either ideology is worshipped over the other. When either side becomes extreme in nature.

And this is how the elite controls the masses.

While they may choose surface-level issues to divide the people like race, sex, or other issues, it always boils down to the love of money.

???? Who doesn’t have enough access to money?
???? Who makes too much money?
???? Where should the money go?
???? How can we use the money to create a better future for all?
???? Money should not be governed for those who know how to get it.
???? Money should be heavily regulated and equally shared to reduce the poor.

Now take any one of these money problems and attach it to a race, sex, or another group.

_________ group doesn’t have access to enough money.
_________ group wastes their money.
_________ group hoards their money.

Then said money is the tool used to point out discrimination.

The people in power use this to divide the people in multiple ways because money makes the world go round, right?

Meanwhile, the elite today have used capitalism to help bring communism around the world.

While the useful idiots are still debating which ideology is better, the elite has used both to consume and control the world.

They use both the left-wing (socialism) and the right-wing (capitalism) of the political bird to achieve their financial goals. This is why they only allow two political parties to control the narrative.

The Bible has a lot to say about money and riches.

On one hand, you can find verses that talk about financial abundance. On how God has blessed nations with far more than they can handle. It kind of sounds like it promotes capitalism.

On the other hand, you can find verses that instruct us to give abundantly. To share with those who have less with an open heart and without ego. Give without bragging about how much you give. it kind of sounds like it promotes socialism.

This leaves many to debate whether Jesus was a capitalist or a socialist. In reality, He was neither, and yet, He was both.

You can’t regulate what people want to do with their money. You can’t put in place laws that tell every person how much they can have and how they spend it. That’s the social (communist) credit system the elite want to bring forth. These systems create slavery.

God knows that how we manage money on a personal level and globally is a heart issue. It’s our love of money that allows us to be divided. It’s the love for money that allows the elite to thrive and control us.

I Timothy 6:10 (NKJV)
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

It all boils down to this.

If we the people actually put God above our finances. If we allowed Him to bless us through our God-given talents that bring us money, and then allow Him to use us to bless those around us with our money by working on our hearts, we wouldn’t be in this situation. The elite would have no power over us because as united people under God who have their hearts in the right places, money would not be the thing that controls and divides us.

None of this is saying it’s wrong to make good money. The difference is just knowing how the love of money, putting it first and foremost in your life, makes you a slave to it.

Many unbelievers still see the idea of God and the Bible as a tool used to enslave people. Because the Bible instructs us on how we use our money, it’s from the people who want to control us. The reality is far different.

Matthew 6:24 (NKJV)
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (riches, wealth, money).

If you love money, you are a slave to the system controlled by the elite that we can clearly see serve the devil himself.

If you truly serve God, then you are not a slave to the beast system, rather you are a servant of God.

Either way, you are always a servant.

The question is what do you want to serve? A God who is fair and just? Or a god that deceives and divides for his own gain?

While we’re in the battle of good vs evil, the evil one creates the illusion of good vs evil, that in reality, both sides are just evil.

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