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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

Absolute Love

Vulnerable moment. I've been feeling a little lost as of late. A little overwhelmed. Feeling like I don't have control of certain circumstances I want to. I feel like my life has been going down one path and there is a call coming from behind me saying "Stop! You've...

Rainbow wars

Rainbow wars

It's no coincidence. The rainbow is God's promise to us, now used to promote one's sexual perversion. The Bible explains that God really hates pride. And they chose to call their movement Pride. The Bible outlines that marriage is between a man and a woman, and the...

God is “love”

God is “love”

God is "love"   The church of Ephesus lost its first love.   When a church or Christian stands against the ways of the world that the Bible says are a sin, the world quickly responds that they're being unloving.   According to the world, love is love. It requires no...

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Once you can really understand how imperfect you are, then you can have the love and grace to accept the imperfection in others.

It’s when we’re blind, ignorant, or unwilling to see our own imperfections that we end up blaming everyone else for our problems.

Why must we love our enemies?

Why must we love our enemies?

When you’re right in the middle of an argument with a loved one, we all have a struggle with feeling, expressing, and showing love. We’re at an emotional high, and our logic escapes us. We react instead of properly responding.

And these are the people that are the closest to us and that we care the most about. And yet Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Knowing myself, that seems like an impossible task.

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie. The world has taught us that our physical life is separate from our spiritual life. You can believe what you want provided you keep it to yourself. Do your worshipping in a building on Sunday, and keep it out of the rest of the...

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Short clip of a great conversation between a Christian, a scientist, and Jordan Peterson.

I’m not going to say I agree with every single word said here, but the conversation is very deep and interesting.

Jonathan’s point near the end hits the nail on the head.

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil. If love is defined solely as an emotion you feel, you're capable of great evil under the guise of love. Because if it feels good, how can it be wrong? Because love is love right? It holds no barriers. Because people...

If you want to be good, you must know evil

If you want to be good, you must know evil

If you want to be good, you must know evil. It's not so that you can look at evil and boast that you are good, but that you can make sure you're avoiding evil. It's our lack of knowledge of good and evil that allows evil to exist and thrive in the world. Now, if you...

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

I want to be very clear. I hold ZERO tolerance for anyone who believes the bible says you can beat and abuse your spouse. There will be no debate on this issue. Abusive men are weak and full of toxic femininity. These are not masculine men. They are possessed by the...

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

"You couldn't say this about any other group" We need to wake up. Calling out the culture and becoming leaders who oppose the culture's sins comes at a cost. You're going to lose friends, family, opportunities, and more. But that is the role of the Christian and the...

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant. It's patient. It's kind. It's enduring. It's hopeful. It's peaceful. It's self-control. It is NOT tolerant. And that's the problem with the modern Church. The world has told it that if it was loving, it would be tolerant of its ways. And then the...

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective Disagreements, fights, separation, divorces, and wars all happen because of a difference of perspectives. But when the goal is focused on discovering the truth, perspective loses its grip on the people fighting just to be right. Perspective has an...

Are you a racist?

Are you a racist?

3-4 years ago I saw a local bus ad that said: "Are you a racist?" I was dumbfounded. Sure, racism always exists on some small level, but enough to make it a big deal? I didn't think so. But that's how predictive programming works. In order to create racial tension, we...

Love only wins if it has this

Love only wins if it has this

In a time of great division and polarization that leads to conflict, separation, and war, love wins. But not the kind of love you're thinking of. Not the kind of love the world tells you love is. 1 Corinthians 16:14 - Let all that you do be done in love. This verse is...

Christian Nationalism in Canada?

Christian Nationalism in Canada?

I remember as a child singing the Canadian national anthem every morning. I even vaguely remember praying. That went away, I don't recall when. But it was in the name of "inclusion". It was offensive to some, so it was removed. Today they've changed much of it. Here...

I’m the problem, not them.

I’m the problem, not them.

When it comes to speaking about the evil satanic people trying to enslave the world everyone is all ears. But when you speak of God and the bible those same people disappear. We love pointing the finger at the problem at hand, but we hate it when the implications are...

Love without wisdom and wisdom without love

Love without wisdom and wisdom without love

Making decisions based on data alone without consulting your heart leads to death and genocide. This is because some believe the data doesn't lie and we must follow "the truth" regardless of people's feelings. This justifies letting some people suffer or die because...

Principalities and powers that cause conflict

Principalities and powers that cause conflict

If you care about the environment, you must hate fossil fuels. If you care about racism, you must agree black lives matter and white people are privileged. If you care about children, you must agree with sexual orientation. If you care about the health of others, you...

I’m simply not good enough for this world

I’m simply not good enough for this world

I'm bald, I have grey hair, and I am overweight. My family and I are not perfect and we struggle with many things. The world tells me I'm not good enough for it. I see ads online and TV every day for products telling me as much. I need to work hard and pay money to...

Bible Verse of the Day

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.


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