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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

Absolute Truth

Rainbow wars

Rainbow wars

It's no coincidence. The rainbow is God's promise to us, now used to promote one's sexual perversion. The Bible explains that God really hates pride. And they chose to call their movement Pride. The Bible outlines that marriage is between a man and a woman, and the...

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to. Because all you desire is food and pleasure. If the enemy controls that, they control you. At first, the enemy convinced you that God didn't exist. Then the enemy said, if you need God, that makes you weak. And now the enemy...

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering means experiencing pain of some sort, physically or mentally.

Being a victim is admitting that your suffering was not meant for you. That it doesn’t serve you and you have no control over it.

The problem with our modern culture is that we confuse suffering with being a victim. We avoid all suffering and quickly embrace victimhood.


Because if I’m a victim, that’s someone else’s problem. There is nothing I can or need to do about it, I was a victim.

If I’m suffering, I still have a choice. I can choose to continue to suffer, eventually leading to my victimhood, or I can turn my suffering into a strength…

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Most associate pride with having more than another person or being better at something than them and gloating about it.

But our pride usually gets exposed more when we refuse to be wrong about something. We’re often attached to our identity of being right about specific things. Especially if we’ve spent hours, days, or years learning something of this world…

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Once you can really understand how imperfect you are, then you can have the love and grace to accept the imperfection in others.

It’s when we’re blind, ignorant, or unwilling to see our own imperfections that we end up blaming everyone else for our problems.

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective before you head to church today. I recall some years ago a pastor at my church talking about one weekend (before he was a pastor) when they were late getting to church. It seemed as though nothing was going right that morning. Every time...

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

If your church relies on its non-prophet status, high offerings to cover costs, government funding, or public perception, can it honestly and unapologetically teach the entire bible? The only correct answer is no. Some Christians believe the prosperity gospel is the...

Seek God’s knowledge above all other knowledge

Seek God’s knowledge above all other knowledge

I'm big on seeking knowledge. Knowledge makes us more powerful. But is there such a thing as seeking too much knowledge? It was the seeking of knowledge of medical experiments on unwilling Jews in WWII that was evil and sinful. Perhaps they gained knowledge, but at...

Why must we love our enemies?

Why must we love our enemies?

When you’re right in the middle of an argument with a loved one, we all have a struggle with feeling, expressing, and showing love. We’re at an emotional high, and our logic escapes us. We react instead of properly responding.

And these are the people that are the closest to us and that we care the most about. And yet Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Knowing myself, that seems like an impossible task.

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie. The world has taught us that our physical life is separate from our spiritual life. You can believe what you want provided you keep it to yourself. Do your worshipping in a building on Sunday, and keep it out of the rest of the...

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Short clip of a great conversation between a Christian, a scientist, and Jordan Peterson.

I’m not going to say I agree with every single word said here, but the conversation is very deep and interesting.

Jonathan’s point near the end hits the nail on the head.

Science vs Religion

Science vs Religion

Science vs Religion One of the most deceiving concepts ever. It imposes: ???? If you believe in science, you cannot believe in a god. ???? If you believe in a god, then you're not being scientific. ???? Finally, Because science cannot believe in a god, an atheist...

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil. If love is defined solely as an emotion you feel, you're capable of great evil under the guise of love. Because if it feels good, how can it be wrong? Because love is love right? It holds no barriers. Because people...

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

I want to be very clear. I hold ZERO tolerance for anyone who believes the bible says you can beat and abuse your spouse. There will be no debate on this issue. Abusive men are weak and full of toxic femininity. These are not masculine men. They are possessed by the...

Does prosperity breed ignorance?

Does prosperity breed ignorance?

Ignorance is bliss they say. But is it really? It's only blissful until you're faced with the hard truth. And nothing breeds more ignorance than prosperity. It's not that prosperity is bad, it's just that ignorance goes with is hand in hand. When things are so...

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective Disagreements, fights, separation, divorces, and wars all happen because of a difference of perspectives. But when the goal is focused on discovering the truth, perspective loses its grip on the people fighting just to be right. Perspective has an...

Bible Verse of the Day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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