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Book Review: Pilgrim’s Progress

Book Review: Pilgrim’s Progress

CLICK HERE to buy Pilgrim's Progress By Rosalie de Rosset, ed. / Moody Publishers Underscoring the pivotal role that classic literature plays in the shaping of our lives, Moody Press has introduced Moody Classic Series, celebrating Christian writing which has stood...

Book Review: The Screwtape Letters

Book Review: The Screwtape Letters

CLICK HERE to order The Screwtape Letters By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a timeless work of fiction that explores the complex topic of temptation through a fascinating portrayal of demonology. With penetrating insight, Lewis...


To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil. If love is defined solely as an emotion you feel, you're capable of great evil under the guise of love. Because if it feels good, how can it be wrong? Because love is love right? It holds no barriers. Because people...

The problem with “Never Forget”

The problem with “Never Forget”

"Never forget" This is often used to remind us to never forget about a horrific event in the past so that we do not repeat it. But there is a huge issue in this statement. You see, we all remember how awful people like Hitler were. We focus on the "villain" and say...

Does prosperity breed ignorance?

Does prosperity breed ignorance?

Ignorance is bliss they say. But is it really? It's only blissful until you're faced with the hard truth. And nothing breeds more ignorance than prosperity. It's not that prosperity is bad, it's just that ignorance goes with is hand in hand. When things are so...

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

Nothing new under the sun. Lockdowns Circa 1662: Lockdowns aren't a new thing; they have long been a tool of tyrants used to force citizens to comply. In this clip from our documentary, Owen Strachan and Tom Nettles teach us about “The Great Ejection” of 1662 and its...

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters. Don't think the government is your master? Are they accountable for their spending? Do you really get a say in how they spend? Can you opt out of paying them or denounce your citizenship? Do they tell you what...

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job against the enemy. That's why it's called spiritual warfare. You get to learn how the enemy works and exactly what you need to do to attack him from within enemy lines without violence. The problem is that Western...

The paradox of the Christian

The paradox of the Christian

I am confident it's going to get much worse before it gets better. I am also full of joy knowing we're in for the best times known to mankind. ???? That is a paradox of the Christian. A Christian that is worried about the coming judgment the world will receive lacks...

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

I keep reading about "seeker-sensitive" churches. I never understood the term before. They're light on Biblical teaching and preaching because they don't want to overwhelm or offend people seeking God by preaching the full word of God. Let me be very clear, as someone...

The war of changing language

The war of changing language

If you look at the history of language you'll find that definitions change over time. If you look carefully, words that describe a factual thing often get changed to describe an emotion of how you feel. A Gentleman was a man who owned land. Now it's an emotional...

Aliens are coming!?

Aliens are coming!?

It actually boggles my mind... People love the concept of aliens and that perhaps humanity was brought here by them thousands if not millions of years ago. But those same people can't fathom the concept of an external creator, angels and demons. Only one of these...

Those who have power don’t necessarily have the authority

Those who have power don’t necessarily have the authority

Those who have power don't necessarily have the authority. The reality is that those who have power only gain authority when the people give it to them. Rulers of nations gain indispensable power to do what they want because the people gave them the authority to do...

Social justice is nothing new. It’s always been a problem.

Social justice is nothing new. It’s always been a problem.

Opened my Bible to a random page this morning. Once again, the Bible holds the test of time. Social justice is nothing new. It's always been a problem. It's not real justice, it's just man coveting what another man has earned. When enough people in society fall for...

Standing against vs standing for

Standing against vs standing for

2023 is the peak year of "we" If you don't know what I mean by that you should read the book "The Pendulum" by Michael R Drew and Roy H Williams. It's a book about how society swings between "me" and "we" and back again in 80-year cycles. Well, it's really about...

Principalities and powers that cause conflict

Principalities and powers that cause conflict

If you care about the environment, you must hate fossil fuels. If you care about racism, you must agree black lives matter and white people are privileged. If you care about children, you must agree with sexual orientation. If you care about the health of others, you...

Christianity and Catholicism to unite?

Christianity and Catholicism to unite?

Popular Christian pastor and author Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life) is in agreement with the prosperity gospel teacher Joel Osteen in that Christians need to find common ground with the Catholic Church so that we can push forward the mission of God. The fact that...

This will wake up the masses

This will wake up the masses

When I hear people say "This will wake up the masses" I can't help to believe how naive they are. I don't want to sound demeaning, that's not my intent. But they fail to understand how powerful hypnosis, psychosis, and brainwashing are. They think this is just...

Progressive Church vs Conservative Church

Progressive Church vs Conservative Church

I used to think that the church needed to be more progressive. It needed to be more relevant to reach more people. It needed to transform itself closer to the culture, or it will die. I've since realized the truth is much different. The church needs to go back to its...

It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.

It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.

It's not personal, it's just business as usual. A business consists of assets (things that make it money) and liabilities (things that cost it money). This is pretty basic knowledge. Generally, when a business is growing and doing well, it collects assets that will...

Are you prepared for a disaster?

Are you prepared for a disaster?

???? People prepare for floods. ???? People prepare for fires. ???? People prepare for hurricanes. ???? People prepare for tornadoes. ???? People prepare for earthquakes. ???? People prepare for volcanic eruptions. And we call them "Acts of God". Because people...

Bible Verse of the Day

Keep my commands and follow them. I am the LORD.


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