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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

Our Lord and Saviour

What could Jesus have done with our technology

What could Jesus have done with our technology

Some days I think man, what could Jesus have done with our technology and understanding of people today? Think of the impact He could have had. His voice could have been heard across the world all at once. Why wait thousands of years for it to get to only 90% of the...

Fake Jews?

Fake Jews?

Just 3 verses, but so much to pull from it.   Just a few things I got from it.   Those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.   What? Fake Jews? Yes, there are lots of conversations about this. The thing with the scattering of Jews and...

The only book that promises a blessing

The only book that promises a blessing

So many Christians avoid this book.   Many say new Christians should go to other books first, this one is to complicated and has too much symbology. I've even heard Christians say they've not studied this book, as it's not their favorite.   And yet, it's the only book...

What does demonic possession look like?

What does demonic possession look like?

I remember about 20 years ago I was asking questions about what demonic possession looks like. Someone told me that in other countries there are stories of people hurting or killing themselves and others with axes and knives for no apparent reason. Violence wasn't new...

The world is controlled by a narrative.

The world is controlled by a narrative.

Everything that has been, is, and will be is the result of words that tell a story.

Every story needs a storyteller, a creator that carefully places all the right words in the specific sentences, in the proper paragraphs, and in the correct chapters.

All to make sure the story makes sense and is shared.

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

People choose slavery. It’s not forced upon them.

Most freedom fighters are too busy fighting for what they’re against, and that’s why they lose. Fighting against something wears you out. It breaks you down. And sooner or later, you give up. That’s exactly what the enemy wants.

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering means experiencing pain of some sort, physically or mentally.

Being a victim is admitting that your suffering was not meant for you. That it doesn’t serve you and you have no control over it.

The problem with our modern culture is that we confuse suffering with being a victim. We avoid all suffering and quickly embrace victimhood.


Because if I’m a victim, that’s someone else’s problem. There is nothing I can or need to do about it, I was a victim.

If I’m suffering, I still have a choice. I can choose to continue to suffer, eventually leading to my victimhood, or I can turn my suffering into a strength…

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Once you can really understand how imperfect you are, then you can have the love and grace to accept the imperfection in others.

It’s when we’re blind, ignorant, or unwilling to see our own imperfections that we end up blaming everyone else for our problems.

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective before you head to church today. I recall some years ago a pastor at my church talking about one weekend (before he was a pastor) when they were late getting to church. It seemed as though nothing was going right that morning. Every time...

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

If your church relies on its non-prophet status, high offerings to cover costs, government funding, or public perception, can it honestly and unapologetically teach the entire bible? The only correct answer is no. Some Christians believe the prosperity gospel is the...

Why must we love our enemies?

Why must we love our enemies?

When you’re right in the middle of an argument with a loved one, we all have a struggle with feeling, expressing, and showing love. We’re at an emotional high, and our logic escapes us. We react instead of properly responding.

And these are the people that are the closest to us and that we care the most about. And yet Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Knowing myself, that seems like an impossible task.

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie

Too many Christians fell for the lie. The world has taught us that our physical life is separate from our spiritual life. You can believe what you want provided you keep it to yourself. Do your worshipping in a building on Sunday, and keep it out of the rest of the...

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Jordan Peterson Discussion on Science vs Religion

Short clip of a great conversation between a Christian, a scientist, and Jordan Peterson.

I’m not going to say I agree with every single word said here, but the conversation is very deep and interesting.

Jonathan’s point near the end hits the nail on the head.

The written word vs the spoken word

The written word vs the spoken word

The written word stimulates the imagination. The written word educates people. The written word brings clarity. The written word allows for progress. The written word creates efficiencies. But none of that is possible without the spoken word. Think about that for a...

The Easter message most don’t want to hear…but need to

The Easter message most don’t want to hear…but need to

A few weeks back during our prayer and worship night a brother brought up a question that's been very close to my spiritual walk. There is a lot of evil, sinful, and downright satanic stuff going on in the world right now. I'm unsure if it's any more than in the past,...

Salvation has a low perceived value

Salvation has a low perceived value

The value of something is determined by the price that someone is willing to pay for it. That's basically how the market works. If a product is scarce and in high demand, well, the perceived value goes up. If a product has flooded the market and there isn't much...

The government doesn’t care if you believe in gods

The government doesn’t care if you believe in gods

Rome didn't care that Jesus Christ claimed to be God. Rome had plenty of gods for you to worship. That's how they distracted people while they ruled over them. What got Jesus killed was His claim in being the one and only true God. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords....

Women need a protector

Women need a protector

Women need a protector. And that's the husband's role. He provides for and protects his wife and children. So what happens after decades of de-masculating men through media? What happens when society is full of men who are more in touch with their emotions than being...

If you say it louder, it doesn’t make you right

If you say it louder, it doesn’t make you right

If you say it louder, it doesn't make you right. Have you ever had someone try to explain something to you and you didn't get it? So you ask them to explain it again, to which they respond with a sigh and attempt to say it again, but louder and with some annoyance....

Bible Verse of the Day

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?


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