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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...


Is Christian Patriotism the way?

Is Christian Patriotism the way?

I see a lot of believers who love their country and believe Christian patriotism will save their nation.

May I remind you that 40 years of Christian patriotism has led America to this very point in time?

That Christian patriotism lead Germany into WWII.

And it’s Christian patriotism that’s fueling Russian troops to fight for what is right in their minds.

Someone might read this and conclude that Christianity is the problem, but that’s because they don’t know God.

The problem is the perversion of scripture.

These believers put God right on the same pedestal as their country.

God + Country = Their faith.

God bless America?

God bless America?

I need help from a scholar or a well-studied theologian. I'm trying to find scripture in the Bible that says God loves America or Canada above all other countries. Any verses that Jesus had a political preference? Surely he stated He liked Fox News over CNN, right?...

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler gained power because the people and the church were deceived and focused on their nation before God's will. Hitler became a tyrannical dictator because the church remained silent knowing they were deceived and had too much pride to admit it and repent. They...

The Easter message most don’t want to hear…but need to

The Easter message most don’t want to hear…but need to

A few weeks back during our prayer and worship night a brother brought up a question that's been very close to my spiritual walk. There is a lot of evil, sinful, and downright satanic stuff going on in the world right now. I'm unsure if it's any more than in the past,...

The government doesn’t care if you believe in gods

The government doesn’t care if you believe in gods

Rome didn't care that Jesus Christ claimed to be God. Rome had plenty of gods for you to worship. That's how they distracted people while they ruled over them. What got Jesus killed was His claim in being the one and only true God. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords....

He who controls the youth, controls the future

He who controls the youth, controls the future

"He who controls the youth, controls the future" ~Hitler Hitler knew that a nation is controlled by the people's minds and souls, not violence and genocide. Violence and genocide may be required at some points to gain short-term control, but it fails long-term. This...

Divine appointment leaves bartender stunned

Divine appointment leaves bartender stunned

Long 12-hour day at the conference. I'm tired, but I'm hungry as I barely ate dinner at the trade show. I go down to the hotel restaurant and all the tables are taken. There's another trainer I met once about 4 years back waiting as well. The bar just had two seats...

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

"You couldn't say this about any other group" We need to wake up. Calling out the culture and becoming leaders who oppose the culture's sins comes at a cost. You're going to lose friends, family, opportunities, and more. But that is the role of the Christian and the...

A divided church

A divided church

This right here is what I have been saying, and said so this weekend at men's breakfast at a local church. Our church is divided. Some put up walls and refuse to discuss certain issues. Some who have one perspective of world events cannot share their thoughts with...

The problem with “Never Forget”

The problem with “Never Forget”

"Never forget" This is often used to remind us to never forget about a horrific event in the past so that we do not repeat it. But there is a huge issue in this statement. You see, we all remember how awful people like Hitler were. We focus on the "villain" and say...

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

Nothing new under the sun. Lockdowns Circa 1662: Lockdowns aren't a new thing; they have long been a tool of tyrants used to force citizens to comply. In this clip from our documentary, Owen Strachan and Tom Nettles teach us about “The Great Ejection” of 1662 and its...

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters. Don't think the government is your master? Are they accountable for their spending? Do you really get a say in how they spend? Can you opt out of paying them or denounce your citizenship? Do they tell you what...

Are you a racist?

Are you a racist?

3-4 years ago I saw a local bus ad that said: "Are you a racist?" I was dumbfounded. Sure, racism always exists on some small level, but enough to make it a big deal? I didn't think so. But that's how predictive programming works. In order to create racial tension, we...

THE truth requires something of you

THE truth requires something of you

THE truth requires something of you. That's why people love relative truth. If it's not "my truth", "your truth" does not require me to do anything about it, because "truth" is subjective and you chose that truth, not me. This concept of truth is purely selfish in...

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101: ???? Create ways for the population to sin ???? Allow the population to embrace their sins ???? Let their sinful nature take them over ???? Once they cannot govern their own sins, govern it for them ???? Watch them cry that you're...

Christian Nationalism in Canada?

Christian Nationalism in Canada?

I remember as a child singing the Canadian national anthem every morning. I even vaguely remember praying. That went away, I don't recall when. But it was in the name of "inclusion". It was offensive to some, so it was removed. Today they've changed much of it. Here...

Capitalism vs Socialism

Capitalism vs Socialism

Socialism without capitalism is communism. Capitalism without socialism is fascism. There needs to be a healthy balance between the two ideologies for society to thrive. The issue with when either ideology is worshipped over the other. When either side becomes extreme...

Which Christians are right about Ukraine?

Which Christians are right about Ukraine?

I follow various Christian commentators. One calls this man a brave hero. The other calls him an actor in a clown world. I'm not here to offer my take other than to say that time magazine once called Hitler man of the year when it appeared he was helping Germany rise...

Can the majority be wrong? Why democracy is a lie.

Can the majority be wrong? Why democracy is a lie.

Democracy is flawed. Its basis is that the people have a voice and if the majority of people want something, they get it because they're the majority. It runs on the premise that the majority can't be wrong. If that's the case, we should all accept that what happened...

Bible Verse of the Day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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