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Book Review: Pilgrim’s Progress

Book Review: Pilgrim’s Progress

CLICK HERE to buy Pilgrim's Progress By Rosalie de Rosset, ed. / Moody Publishers Underscoring the pivotal role that classic literature plays in the shaping of our lives, Moody Press has introduced Moody Classic Series, celebrating Christian writing which has stood...

Book Review: The Screwtape Letters

Book Review: The Screwtape Letters

CLICK HERE to order The Screwtape Letters By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a timeless work of fiction that explores the complex topic of temptation through a fascinating portrayal of demonology. With penetrating insight, Lewis...


Salvation has a low perceived value

Salvation has a low perceived value

The value of something is determined by the price that someone is willing to pay for it. That's basically how the market works. If a product is scarce and in high demand, well, the perceived value goes up. If a product has flooded the market and there isn't much...

If you say it louder, it doesn’t make you right

If you say it louder, it doesn’t make you right

If you say it louder, it doesn't make you right. Have you ever had someone try to explain something to you and you didn't get it? So you ask them to explain it again, to which they respond with a sigh and attempt to say it again, but louder and with some annoyance....

Women are NOT equal to men

Women are NOT equal to men

Women are NOT equal to men. But I cannot say that without also saying that men are NOT equal to women. We were never designed to be equals. We were designed to be complimentary. As a man, I have specific talents and values to bring to society, the church, and to my...

The reality of the stabbing in Vancouver

The reality of the stabbing in Vancouver

Jarrin tells it how it is, and we need to be open to hearing it as it is. The stabbing in Vancouver was horrible. But as some people pointed out, what's up with the dude who just stood there and filmed it? How many movies and games made entertainment out of extreme...

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil

To truly know love, one must fully understand evil. If love is defined solely as an emotion you feel, you're capable of great evil under the guise of love. Because if it feels good, how can it be wrong? Because love is love right? It holds no barriers. Because people...

Coffee is now racist

Coffee is now racist

The world is trying so hard to be righteous and holy according to their god. But not by looking within at their own sins, but instead by coming up with standards that position themselves as perfect victims while lowering everyone else as oppressors. Did you know that...

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

ZERO tolerance for spousal abuse

I want to be very clear. I hold ZERO tolerance for anyone who believes the bible says you can beat and abuse your spouse. There will be no debate on this issue. Abusive men are weak and full of toxic femininity. These are not masculine men. They are possessed by the...

LGBTQXYZ+ Drag Queen Church?

LGBTQXYZ+ Drag Queen Church?

I'm not even angry. I'm just disgusted. But it's not like we weren't told that the church would tolerate the Jezebel spirit. This is just a part of that spirit.

The problem with “Never Forget”

The problem with “Never Forget”

"Never forget" This is often used to remind us to never forget about a horrific event in the past so that we do not repeat it. But there is a huge issue in this statement. You see, we all remember how awful people like Hitler were. We focus on the "villain" and say...

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant. It's patient. It's kind. It's enduring. It's hopeful. It's peaceful. It's self-control. It is NOT tolerant. And that's the problem with the modern Church. The world has told it that if it was loving, it would be tolerant of its ways. And then the...

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective

Truth vs Perspective Disagreements, fights, separation, divorces, and wars all happen because of a difference of perspectives. But when the goal is focused on discovering the truth, perspective loses its grip on the people fighting just to be right. Perspective has an...

Are you a racist?

Are you a racist?

3-4 years ago I saw a local bus ad that said: "Are you a racist?" I was dumbfounded. Sure, racism always exists on some small level, but enough to make it a big deal? I didn't think so. But that's how predictive programming works. In order to create racial tension, we...

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

I keep reading about "seeker-sensitive" churches. I never understood the term before. They're light on Biblical teaching and preaching because they don't want to overwhelm or offend people seeking God by preaching the full word of God. Let me be very clear, as someone...

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101: ???? Create ways for the population to sin ???? Allow the population to embrace their sins ???? Let their sinful nature take them over ???? Once they cannot govern their own sins, govern it for them ???? Watch them cry that you're...

The war of changing language

The war of changing language

If you look at the history of language you'll find that definitions change over time. If you look carefully, words that describe a factual thing often get changed to describe an emotion of how you feel. A Gentleman was a man who owned land. Now it's an emotional...

Burried in sin

Burried in sin

Drunk people don't realize how drunk they appear to sober people. People who smell bad don't realize how bad they smell to others who do not smell bad. People who are drug addicts don't realize how far gone they are compared to their loved ones who are not users....

I’m the problem, not them.

I’m the problem, not them.

When it comes to speaking about the evil satanic people trying to enslave the world everyone is all ears. But when you speak of God and the bible those same people disappear. We love pointing the finger at the problem at hand, but we hate it when the implications are...

All evil comes from good

All evil comes from good

All evil comes from good. That might sound contradictory as we tend to see evil as the opposite of good. Most pagan religions paint the image of them being equal and in contradiction to each other. Much like the eastern Ying/Yang, or the concept of Karma. What goes...

This will wake up the masses

This will wake up the masses

When I hear people say "This will wake up the masses" I can't help to believe how naive they are. I don't want to sound demeaning, that's not my intent. But they fail to understand how powerful hypnosis, psychosis, and brainwashing are. They think this is just...

It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.

It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.

It's not personal, it's just business as usual. A business consists of assets (things that make it money) and liabilities (things that cost it money). This is pretty basic knowledge. Generally, when a business is growing and doing well, it collects assets that will...

Bible Verse of the Day

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.


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