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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...


The world is controlled by a narrative.

The world is controlled by a narrative.

Everything that has been, is, and will be is the result of words that tell a story.

Every story needs a storyteller, a creator that carefully places all the right words in the specific sentences, in the proper paragraphs, and in the correct chapters.

All to make sure the story makes sense and is shared.

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to. Because all you desire is food and pleasure. If the enemy controls that, they control you. At first, the enemy convinced you that God didn't exist. Then the enemy said, if you need God, that makes you weak. And now the enemy...

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.

People choose slavery. It’s not forced upon them.

Most freedom fighters are too busy fighting for what they’re against, and that’s why they lose. Fighting against something wears you out. It breaks you down. And sooner or later, you give up. That’s exactly what the enemy wants.

Financial slavery

Financial slavery

You are a slave. You've been given rights and told you were free, but you're still a slave. You cannot be on this planet without having a master, and each master has their limits on what they allow you to do. You cannot transfer ownership without one master agreeing...

The problem with “Never Forget”

The problem with “Never Forget”

"Never forget" This is often used to remind us to never forget about a horrific event in the past so that we do not repeat it. But there is a huge issue in this statement. You see, we all remember how awful people like Hitler were. We focus on the "villain" and say...

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters

Only slaves give half of their earnings to their masters. Don't think the government is your master? Are they accountable for their spending? Do you really get a say in how they spend? Can you opt out of paying them or denounce your citizenship? Do they tell you what...

Are you a racist?

Are you a racist?

3-4 years ago I saw a local bus ad that said: "Are you a racist?" I was dumbfounded. Sure, racism always exists on some small level, but enough to make it a big deal? I didn't think so. But that's how predictive programming works. In order to create racial tension, we...

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101

How to Enslave the Population 101: ???? Create ways for the population to sin ???? Allow the population to embrace their sins ???? Let their sinful nature take them over ???? Once they cannot govern their own sins, govern it for them ???? Watch them cry that you're...

I’m the problem, not them.

I’m the problem, not them.

When it comes to speaking about the evil satanic people trying to enslave the world everyone is all ears. But when you speak of God and the bible those same people disappear. We love pointing the finger at the problem at hand, but we hate it when the implications are...

Bible Verse of the Day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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