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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

Spiritual Warfare

Vulnerable moment. I've been feeling a little lost as of late. A little overwhelmed. Feeling like I don't have control of certain circumstances I want to. I feel like my life has been going down one path and there is a call coming from behind me saying "Stop! You've...

A stern warning to the rich oppressors

A stern warning to the rich oppressors

A stern warning to the wealthy that are corrupt and take advantage of those poorer than them.   Your time will come. Not at the hands of those you oppress, but God himself will not resist his judgement upon you.   James was rather serious, firm, and to the point...

Beyond belief

Beyond belief

There is no such thing as color when you ask a dog. The land is where you go to die, when you ask a fish. And yet we know both are not true because we have a greater understanding of things than dogs and fish. Are we so ignorant to not believe that things exist beyond...

Fake Jews?

Fake Jews?

Just 3 verses, but so much to pull from it.   Just a few things I got from it.   Those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.   What? Fake Jews? Yes, there are lots of conversations about this. The thing with the scattering of Jews and...

Rainbow wars

Rainbow wars

It's no coincidence. The rainbow is God's promise to us, now used to promote one's sexual perversion. The Bible explains that God really hates pride. And they chose to call their movement Pride. The Bible outlines that marriage is between a man and a woman, and the...

What does the faith of a child look like?

What does the faith of a child look like?

Jesus tells us to have faith like a child. I think 99% of people get this wrong. They believe it means to just have a never wavering faith. A child has complete faith in their parents. They see them almost as if they were a god that would never hurt them. They believe...

What does demonic possession look like?

What does demonic possession look like?

I remember about 20 years ago I was asking questions about what demonic possession looks like. Someone told me that in other countries there are stories of people hurting or killing themselves and others with axes and knives for no apparent reason. Violence wasn't new...

The world is controlled by a narrative.

The world is controlled by a narrative.

Everything that has been, is, and will be is the result of words that tell a story.

Every story needs a storyteller, a creator that carefully places all the right words in the specific sentences, in the proper paragraphs, and in the correct chapters.

All to make sure the story makes sense and is shared.

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to

Tyranny exists because YOU allow it to. Because all you desire is food and pleasure. If the enemy controls that, they control you. At first, the enemy convinced you that God didn't exist. Then the enemy said, if you need God, that makes you weak. And now the enemy...

Psalm 2 (Kiss Ye The Son)

Psalm 2 (Kiss Ye The Son)

A little inspiration from Psalms 2 for this morning. None of what the rulers of the world conspire is surprising to God. They deceive and divide us with such narratives of BLM, LGTQXYZ+, Feminism, Communism, fascism, political opinions, health scares,...

Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue

There’s an old saying that says: “Patience is a virtue”.

We don’t pray for patience, we practice it.

Sure, we fail, our pride gets the better of us and we lose patience. But we keep practicing it.

Sometimes practicing patience can be sufferable, especially in a world where we’re used to getting what we want now!

Very few of us experience…

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering vs Being a Victim

Suffering means experiencing pain of some sort, physically or mentally.

Being a victim is admitting that your suffering was not meant for you. That it doesn’t serve you and you have no control over it.

The problem with our modern culture is that we confuse suffering with being a victim. We avoid all suffering and quickly embrace victimhood.


Because if I’m a victim, that’s someone else’s problem. There is nothing I can or need to do about it, I was a victim.

If I’m suffering, I still have a choice. I can choose to continue to suffer, eventually leading to my victimhood, or I can turn my suffering into a strength…

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Pride is a real bugger, isn’t it?

Most associate pride with having more than another person or being better at something than them and gloating about it.

But our pride usually gets exposed more when we refuse to be wrong about something. We’re often attached to our identity of being right about specific things. Especially if we’ve spent hours, days, or years learning something of this world…

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Daily reminder: I am not perfect.

Once you can really understand how imperfect you are, then you can have the love and grace to accept the imperfection in others.

It’s when we’re blind, ignorant, or unwilling to see our own imperfections that we end up blaming everyone else for our problems.

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective

Sunday morning perspective before you head to church today. I recall some years ago a pastor at my church talking about one weekend (before he was a pastor) when they were late getting to church. It seemed as though nothing was going right that morning. Every time...

Is Christian Patriotism the way?

Is Christian Patriotism the way?

I see a lot of believers who love their country and believe Christian patriotism will save their nation.

May I remind you that 40 years of Christian patriotism has led America to this very point in time?

That Christian patriotism lead Germany into WWII.

And it’s Christian patriotism that’s fueling Russian troops to fight for what is right in their minds.

Someone might read this and conclude that Christianity is the problem, but that’s because they don’t know God.

The problem is the perversion of scripture.

These believers put God right on the same pedestal as their country.

God + Country = Their faith.

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler gained power because the people and the church were deceived and focused on their nation before God's will. Hitler became a tyrannical dictator because the church remained silent knowing they were deceived and had too much pride to admit it and repent. They...

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel

If your church relies on its non-prophet status, high offerings to cover costs, government funding, or public perception, can it honestly and unapologetically teach the entire bible? The only correct answer is no. Some Christians believe the prosperity gospel is the...

Seek God’s knowledge above all other knowledge

Seek God’s knowledge above all other knowledge

I'm big on seeking knowledge. Knowledge makes us more powerful. But is there such a thing as seeking too much knowledge? It was the seeking of knowledge of medical experiments on unwilling Jews in WWII that was evil and sinful. Perhaps they gained knowledge, but at...

Bible Verse of the Day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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