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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

The Church

Is Christian Patriotism the way?

Is Christian Patriotism the way?

I see a lot of believers who love their country and believe Christian patriotism will save their nation.

May I remind you that 40 years of Christian patriotism has led America to this very point in time?

That Christian patriotism lead Germany into WWII.

And it’s Christian patriotism that’s fueling Russian troops to fight for what is right in their minds.

Someone might read this and conclude that Christianity is the problem, but that’s because they don’t know God.

The problem is the perversion of scripture.

These believers put God right on the same pedestal as their country.

God + Country = Their faith.

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler used Christian patriotism

Hitler gained power because the people and the church were deceived and focused on their nation before God's will. Hitler became a tyrannical dictator because the church remained silent knowing they were deceived and had too much pride to admit it and repent. They...

Women are NOT equal to men

Women are NOT equal to men

Women are NOT equal to men. But I cannot say that without also saying that men are NOT equal to women. We were never designed to be equals. We were designed to be complimentary. As a man, I have specific talents and values to bring to society, the church, and to my...

He who controls the youth, controls the future

He who controls the youth, controls the future

"He who controls the youth, controls the future" ~Hitler Hitler knew that a nation is controlled by the people's minds and souls, not violence and genocide. Violence and genocide may be required at some points to gain short-term control, but it fails long-term. This...

Why the church has lost its authority over the world

Why the church has lost its authority over the world

Yesterday I was at a prayer meeting with members of our chapel. The question of how we respond to the darkness that is in the world came up. Later when on Facebook I saw a post about Ephesians 5:11 and how we are to expose the darkness. But read the rest of the...

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

The Absurdity of Gender Identity

"You couldn't say this about any other group" We need to wake up. Calling out the culture and becoming leaders who oppose the culture's sins comes at a cost. You're going to lose friends, family, opportunities, and more. But that is the role of the Christian and the...

LGBTQXYZ+ Drag Queen Church?

LGBTQXYZ+ Drag Queen Church?

I'm not even angry. I'm just disgusted. But it's not like we weren't told that the church would tolerate the Jezebel spirit. This is just a part of that spirit.

A divided church

A divided church

This right here is what I have been saying, and said so this weekend at men's breakfast at a local church. Our church is divided. Some put up walls and refuse to discuss certain issues. Some who have one perspective of world events cannot share their thoughts with...

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant

Love is NOT tolerant. It's patient. It's kind. It's enduring. It's hopeful. It's peaceful. It's self-control. It is NOT tolerant. And that's the problem with the modern Church. The world has told it that if it was loving, it would be tolerant of its ways. And then the...

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

The Church at War – Lockdowns are not a new thing

Nothing new under the sun. Lockdowns Circa 1662: Lockdowns aren't a new thing; they have long been a tool of tyrants used to force citizens to comply. In this clip from our documentary, Owen Strachan and Tom Nettles teach us about “The Great Ejection” of 1662 and its...

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job

Being a Christian is the ultimate espionage job against the enemy. That's why it's called spiritual warfare. You get to learn how the enemy works and exactly what you need to do to attack him from within enemy lines without violence. The problem is that Western...

Just stay focused on your world and it will all be fine

Just stay focused on your world and it will all be fine

"Just stay focused on your world and it will all be fine" This is commonly said in times of panic. The premise is don't panic and it will all be alright. While I agree with the "don't panic" message, there is something to be said about paying attention to the signs....

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

I keep reading about "seeker-sensitive" churches. I never understood the term before. They're light on Biblical teaching and preaching because they don't want to overwhelm or offend people seeking God by preaching the full word of God. Let me be very clear, as someone...

A warning for the watchers

A warning for the watchers

Recently I was discussing with other Christians what our responsibilities should be in opening up dialogue on current events of the world. All signs show we're about to head into some challenging times. What is our role as a church in what is going on? It's...

Are you brainwashed?

Are you brainwashed?

The question is not IF you're being brainwashed. It's WHAT are you allowing to be brainwashed by. Denying that you've been brainwashed is pure IGNORANCE. Once you understand that the world has an agenda to brainwash you to accept its narrative, you gain discernment...

Progressive Church vs Conservative Church

Progressive Church vs Conservative Church

I used to think that the church needed to be more progressive. It needed to be more relevant to reach more people. It needed to transform itself closer to the culture, or it will die. I've since realized the truth is much different. The church needs to go back to its...

Bible Verse of the Day

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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