Curse words you never hear.
by Mike Cooper | Dec 21, 2022
Curse words you never hear.
Oh my Budha!
Mother Teresa!
Holy Shiva!
Son of a Waheguru!
Of all the thousands of pagan gods out there, only the one true God has enough authority over the world to be used as a swear word.
Jesus Christ.
Using that name as a swear word was done to discredit Him and Christians. It’s demoralizing
It’s no coincidence that the only one who suffered the most humiliating torturous death in humanity is also the only one being used as a humiliating swear word. It’s probably used more often than all the others.
It kind of proves Jesus’ point.
John 15:18 (NKJV)
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
I mean, how much does the world need to hate someone to use their name as a filthy swear word?
I have people who don’t like me. But they would never think to use my name like that.
Some Christians get offended when they hear His name used that way.
I think it’s just another prophecy fulfilled. The more I hear it used around people of the world, I think, yep, I’m on the right path.