It is the fool that believes himself to be free in the first place
by Mike Cooper | Apr 3, 2023
It is the fool that believes himself to be free in the first place that is at risk of horrible enslavement.
It is the slave that understands that there is only freedom in whom you call master.
Of the two masters you can serve, only one was evil enough to trick you. He said you had freedom, which lead to your own death.
The other told you the truth about the wages of your sin to which you are enslaved with.
One tempted you with passion, lust, and riches. Do what thou wilt, you only live once.
While the other warned you of the death and destruction that it would bring. He says turn to Him, call Him your Lord and Saviour.
One distracts you with your own selfish and childish desires.
While the other says only true freedom comes from within a servant’s heart.
Today people are crying, believing they’re losing their freedom. The reality though, is that the leash is just getting tighter.
The illusion of democracy makes you believe you have an option.
But Jesus Christ says Satan is the god of this world, and you are to be called out of it.
He said that there would be a one-world government, one-world religion, a mark of your ownership and that none of this was avoidable.
So if that is true if we truly believe in the words of our Lord and Saviour…
…Why do we think our vote matters? That someone we “elect” will fix the situation?
Why wouldn’t we all instead do exactly what Jesus commanded of us?
Go, and make disciples of the nations?
Because even many who take on Christ’s name are fooled by the world and its devices. They serve two masters until its time to collect their wages.
They yell “god is gracious, he granted our wishes, gifted us our riches, and gave us our freedom…”
The others humbled themselves, bowed, kneeled, and trembled, knowing what was about to take place to these fools who confuse their freedom.
They forgot they had a master, and ended up serving the wrong one, earning their eternal wages.
Because that Devil, sure is a deceptive one.