How to Enslave the Population 101
by Mike Cooper | Mar 6, 2023
How to Enslave the Population 101:
???? Create ways for the population to sin
???? Allow the population to embrace their sins
???? Let their sinful nature take them over
???? Once they cannot govern their own sins, govern it for them
???? Watch them cry that you’re stealing their “freedom” they couldn’t manage themselves.
SUCCESS: The population is enslaved.
Unpopular opinion:
If you like your freedom, you need to govern your sin. Your sin is what enslaves you. The wages of your sin are death.
Our government has become tyrannical because we could not govern our own sins that enslave us.
No, I’m not justifying anything the government has done.
I’m just saying they knew exactly how to follow the plan, and we all fell for it on some sinful level.
Stop disregarding sin as some religious construct that is used to control us. It’s not the suppression of our sins that is used to control us, it’s the embracing of our sins that is used to control us.