I have a confession. I’m not that wise.
by Mike Cooper | Dec 12, 2022
I have a confession.
I’m not that wise.
I do unwise things every day.
I’m simply a conductor of wisdom.
I read a very wise old book written by the creator of everything and then I use that wisdom to teach me how to navigate today.
Before I do that, I write down my thoughts on how it’s relevant and applicable.
This blog is just my notepad. You just stumbled across it.
Some days I feel the holy spirit does all the writing for me. I don’t even think about it, it just comes out as fast as I can type it.
On other days, I’m wrestling with a verse or a concept, and writing it out helps me understand it.
Some days I’m right on target, other days I’m off.
But I don’t let that stop me.
Because if I’m wrong and I don’t share it, I could be wrong in my thinking for a very long time because no one questioned my thoughts.
If I’m right, people let me know I’m on the right track.
If people are just offended by me sharing my thoughts, it doesn’t bother me because that’s usually them putting up a wall about something they’ve been wrestling with.
Regardless. I write down my thoughts because it helps me better understand God and His plans for us. If you benefit from that, fantastic!
What I’m not doing is trying to gain likes, followers, or attention. If that were the case, why would I use a platform that constantly punishes me for wrong thoughts?
But on the other hand, what if every Christian was so bold as to write down their thoughts daily like this?
What if every Christian said “I don’t care what the world thinks” and shared what the holy spirit is revealing to them every day?
I’ll tell you what would happen.
The algorithms wouldn’t be able to keep up.
The word of God would be spread across the world faster than ever.
And I think God would have a smile on His face watching as people start to see Him again.
Perhaps it’s time for you to start writing down your thoughts more and allow the holy spirit to share through you.