If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.
by Mike Cooper | May 18, 2023
If you don’t do what you ought, you’ll lose the freedom to do what you want.
People choose slavery. It’s not forced upon them.
Most freedom fighters are too busy fighting for what they’re against, and that’s why they lose. Fighting against something wears you out. It breaks you down. And sooner or later, you give up. That’s exactly what the enemy wants.
There is no passion or drive behind fighting against an enemy. That’s a defensive approach. You’re trying to defend the very thing that leads us to this point, our sinful nature. As long as you’re on defence, you will not win.
God calls us to be on the offence. Be active. Preparing for spiritual war! Be in the enemy territory and attack from within by reaching their hearts!
Jesus Christ lived right in the middle of the Roman tyranny. They ruled over the people by allowing them to be deep in their sins and paying impossible tax rates so that the people could thrive.
The religious leaders (Pharisees) were there to help keep just enough order and hope to keep the people going. While they had the illusion of not being subject to the Roman Empire, they were in fact not much more than controlled opposition. They provided just enough of a counterculture narrative that people believed they could be different from the others but were still slaves owned by the empire.
Jesus Christ did not come and defend the faith. He came in with a full military-type mission to attack the empire (world) from within enemy lines. While we believe military missions are physical warfare, the best ones are always done with little conflict or damage.
Jesus didn’t come and say “I’m against Rome, it must fall”.
He came and said “I’m here to save you from your enslavement which is caused by your sin” and as a result changed the world! He freed the world (and set your eternity) by focusing on what He was for and as a result of many people following Jesus, Rome fell. It was destroyed from within.
If you’re freedom-minded and have been outspoken in fighting against our oppressors, you will fall short. You will fail.
Our only freedom comes from God alone.
God’s word teaches us exactly how to fight against tyranny by focusing on being for people’s souls. That’s where the war is won.
And the best part is, we don’t need to change people’s hearts, God will do that. He is our “weapon of mass destruction” that works on people’s hearts and souls.
All we have to do is keep spreading the love of Christ. Be active in learning, equipping, listening, training, and being on offence for Christ. Be for Christ and not against tyranny.
That’s how we fight, according to Christ, allowing God to win.
We accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and then let Him work within us. Then we introduce Him to others to repeat the process. In God’s timing, the empire will fall.