I’m fine how I am, you’re not fine how you are
by Mike Cooper | Mar 21, 2023
The motto for society in the peak of “we” is:
“I’m fine how I am, you’re not fine how you are”
If you want to understand what is going on in the world, read the book “Pendulum” by Roy H Williams.
This explains why today’s society hates the true message of Jesus Christ. People refuse to see themselves as the problem.
It also explains why I don’t believe (notice I said believe, I could be wrong) there will be a true revival in the West in the next 5+ years.
Does this mean I believe in a limited God who can’t do anything? No, it means I believe God has a timeline and is in complete control of it.
Everything is done in God’s timing. And if we look, we can see God has a specific timing He likes to use.
Back to my point.
A revival requires true repentance, not just people being overwhelmed by emotions and joining in on social movements. We are sheep. Some are tuned into the true God of this universe, and some are deceived and following fake versions. I didn’t say it, the bible did.
No, I’m not suggesting that some people are not truly repenting, but the question is, is it the majority? or is it just another movement?
I’m going to be bold and suggest that not even a quarter of the people who claim to be Christian are truly selfless. How do I know this? Well, isn’t it interesting how many are walking away from God during this peak of “we”? It’s not a coincidence.
In order for true repentance to happen, people have to be ready to stop being selfish, and in the peak of the “we” swing, that doesn’t happen until the people have realized how far gone they are. And by looking at the past, we’re not even close to “going too far”.
You can see this same cycle in the bible as empires turn from God, serve their own selfish gods, sacrifice babies, murder millions, enslave people, and then the empire crumbles after the people realize they’ve gone too far and turn back to God. And you can see, this generally happens in 80-year cycles, usually with the transition starting around 40 years before.
But again, a revival depends on people realizing they are not fine how they are, they’re extremely sinful, and have ZERO hope on their own. They need a saviour who has the love and grace to save them and take lordship over them.
Now here’s the important part. Jesus Christ will return in His timing. It doesn’t matter where we are in the cycles of society.
It’s interesting though that the symptoms of the peak of “we” in society seem to match closely to what the Bible says will happen when Jesus returns. And according to those who believe in dispensationalism, it could be during this very peak which is 5 years before or after 2023.
But I stress, we will not know the day or the hour. But we’re to live as if it could be today. That means being on a mission for God. Living every minute as if He can show up behind you and tap you on the shoulder.