I’m the problem, not them.
by Mike Cooper | Feb 23, 2023
When it comes to speaking about the evil satanic people trying to enslave the world everyone is all ears.
But when you speak of God and the bible those same people disappear.
We love pointing the finger at the problem at hand, but we hate it when the implications are that we all must make a change to fix the problem.
The Bible clearly says we’re all sinners. All sins are connected and equal in God’s eyes. That means on some level we all hold responsibly for the current situation. Because the sin we tolerate within is the same sin we allow to fester in the world.
And that is the ugly truth none of us want to face because it means we must change our ways. That doesn’t seem right or fair because we see our sins as less than that of the one committing acts of genocide.
But the world won’t change for the better with that perspective because we never see ourselves as the problem.
It’s only when we realize that were hopeless in this way, that we don’t have the strength to fix this issue on our own, that we humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and come to Jesus Christ that we will be given the strength to fix things.
That’s because when we come to realize that not one of us is better than the other. Anyone of us is capable of the same horrific evil sins given the right circumstances. It’s from that realization of how evil we can truly be that we can offer real love and grace to our enemies. The type of love that changes everything.
It’s not the love of sin or the acceptance of it. It’s the understanding that we’re all in the same position of being sinful. So all we can offer each other is grace and love despite our sins.
It’s only through Jesus Christ that we have the true light to shine in the darkness, but most people enjoy the darkness too much to move into the light.