Is the prosperity gospel is the worse false gospel
by Mike Cooper | Apr 26, 2023
If your church relies on its non-prophet status, high offerings to cover costs, government funding, or public perception, can it honestly and unapologetically teach the entire bible?
The only correct answer is no.
Some Christians believe the prosperity gospel is the worse lie leading people to hell.
I think they’re wrong.
I’d suggest it’s the average church in North America relying on the above, as it doesn’t appear to be “extreme” or “radical” in its teaching. Instead, it waters down or excludes teachings in order to keep its doors open and money coming in.
I’m not going to say these are bad churches and that you should run from them.
I am suggesting you take notice, be aware, and have conversations within your church to ensure they have no reservations in teaching the actual and full word of God because of these things.
If they refuse to comment, change their ways, or tackle some of the hard topics, then you must ask is this is a Church teaching the word of God.
John Cooper, lead singer of the Christian rock band Skillet has a great book called “Alive & Awake To Truth: Finding truth in the chaos of a relativistic world”. In this book, he tells his story of compromising the gospel in order to please the masses.
As an up-and-coming rock band in Christian circles, he was told they had the goods to be the next big thing. They had this spiritual thing going on and a positive message. They could have a real impact on the world. But none of that could happen unless he dropped the name, Jesus Christ. Then he was painted the picture of all the help he could do with the massive success he could have. He could have the impact of Jesus, just stop saying His name so much.
Well, thankfully, that wasn’t a compromise John or his bandmates were willing to make. The name of Jesus Christ and the good news of His salvation was far more important than any money could do.
That’s the problem many churches are making TODAY.
They put their goodwill, ministries, and worldly impact above the name of Jesus Christ and falsely believe they’re making the world a better place.
The reality is that they slowly but surely become a part of the world.