Isn’t sin just some fable used to control people by an imaginary God?
by Mike Cooper | Dec 24, 2022
It’s interesting that when you bring up the word “sin” people write it off as some religious construct.
“Sin” is just some fable used to control people by an imaginary God. It holds no weight in the real world if you’re free from religion.
This is because they see the God of the Bible as a tyrant who wants to control them instead of the loving father that He is.
A loving father wants to guide and teach you the best way to get through life with as few hardships as possible. As He raises His children He’s going to point out what is right and what is wrong to help them avoid great pain.
But…He’s also going to allow His children to have enough room to make mistakes. Sometimes we need to learn the hard way.
And like any good father you know on earth, there is always room for grace, love, and forgiveness. Is there anything your child can do that stops you from loving them and trying to help them get back on track when they fall short?
Sin is not some made-up religious word used to condemn other people for how they fall short of man-made expectations. It’s the result of fallen man, who is disobedient to his creator.
When we take a look at what the Bible calls sin, we can see that the more that humanity embraces sin, the worse our societies get because of it. This is not an opinion, it’s a historical fact. You can see it over and over throughout history.
The more a society embraces its sins, the more chaotic it becomes, and the more real tyranny takes over.
God allows us to embrace our sins if that is our desire to show us, His way is the right way. People cry out “how can a loving God allow for this?” The reality is, He’s just allowing us to hurt ourselves so that we turn back to Him for the answers. He’s not hurting us, we’re hurting ourselves.
But here’s the good news. We all fall short. Not one of us is perfect. None of us can boast about that.
But that never stops us from accepting God’s grace when we fail and move forward in our pursuit to avoid our sinful desires and move closer to God.
Once we take ownership of our sins. Once we accept God’s grace and forgiveness of them. Only then we can open our hearts and minds to His word and correct the direction in which society is going.
Every problem we see in society starts and ends with sin.
For the wages of sin is death.
If you want the world to change for the better, it starts with getting right with God.
Open your Bible and start asking all of the tough questions.