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It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.
It’s not personal, it’s just business as usual.
A business consists of assets (things that make it money) and liabilities (things that cost it money). This is pretty basic knowledge.
Generally, when a business is growing and doing well, it collects assets that will serve it. The asset should make the business more money or improve its efficiency.
Over time these assets tend to become liabilities. They age, wear out, break down, or there is new technology that is just far superior.
When a business starts to struggle, or the economy takes a turn for the worse, what does the business do?
It gets rid of its liabilities as fast as it can.
It either sells them off dirt cheap, or it tosses them and claims them as a write-off. It’s essentially trying to reduce its expenses so it doesn’t crash and die.
Are you with me so far?
Ok, so, here’s what you may not know. Many countries are set up as corporations (businesses). Look it up, Canada is a registered corporation in Washington DC and the USA is a registered corporation in the city of London. Like many businesses and corporations, our countries have registration numbers with which they do business with.
Some of you already know this. To some of you, this is going to be a huge eye-opener.
Countries operate just like corporations. They have assets and liabilities. We think of those assets as oil, gas, technology, etc. But there are other assets and liabilities countries own that are not talked about much. It’s called people.
Your birth certificate is your certificate of purchase and proof that you’re an asset to your country. When your parents signed your birth certificate, they unknowingly gave up their legal ownership of you. You became an asset to the corporation.
Your birth certificate is given as a legal contract that offers a payment of specific benefits your country offers in exchange for the asset (you).
Are you still with me on this? Because this is getting pretty deep. I first learned about this a few years ago and at first, I was shocked, but it makes sense. Money makes the world go round. In order to have world trade and business, setting up the countries that trade around the world as corporations just makes sense. And the biggest asset that allows for a country to produce is its people.
Some countries have lots of people who work for cheap. Other countries have fewer people who work with great efficiency. Other countries have thinkers.
Then there are the people like the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and George Soros who own the banks and have investments within different countries. As with any investor, they’re making a killing on some countries (assets) and taking a hit on others (liabilities). They make moves to balance them out to make sure that they make a profit every year. They’re willing to take a hit on some assets if it means making good money on the other.
Ok, back to the main assets of the corporation, the people.
The hope is that the majority of people will grow up to be an asset to the corporation. In the average life span, it’s hoped that over half of their life will be used to make the corporation money. Though, some become a liability, in that they cost the corporation more than what they bring in. This is due to illness, disease, or disability.
Now, us moral humans don’t see it that way. We don’t look at other people, family members, and friends and label them as an asset or liabilities to our country. But the people who run the corporations only see that. As they say, it’s not personal, it’s just business.
So, as I said before. When a corporation starts to lose money, goes too much in debt, or sees a global economic recession coming, what do they do?
They sell the assets that are not producing well off cheaply (slavery, human trafficking, child trafficking) or they write off the liabilities no one wants to buy (MAID service in Canada).
They need to slim down their operations to run more efficiently in hopes to remain profitable, or at least reducing their losses as much as possible. As you know, these corporations have not been profitable for many years now (national debt). Soon, the investors will want to cash in before the corporation collapses (faces bankruptcy).
I know, this sounds very cold and mechanical. But the people running the corporations don’t even know you and me, let alone care about us.
It’s just business.
Understand this, and I cannot be clear enough, you are a slave to the system that is now global. All of the major countries in the world operate as a corporation, and you are their slave. I know, you’re thinking life has been so good, how can we be slaves? Being a slave doesn’t mean you’re treated badly. It simply means you’re owned by someone or something. Some of us have been treated very well and have been paid back in dividends for our service to our corporations. Others not so much.
The only difference in the last hundred years in North America is that it’s illegal for people to own other people, but not the corporation that is our country. And we’ve created laws in which we believe these owned assets should be treated. Much like a union would for its members. Your taxes are your union fees. Sometimes the union looks out for you, other times it says you’re on your own.
Are you still with me on this?
I know this is deep and can sound surreal. But once you see how logical and simple this is, things start to make sense when you look at the world stage.
This is where some people might get lost. But when you see yourself from a biblical perspective, this is where it made a lot of sense to me.
We’re not physical beings that are spiritual in our thinking. We’re a soul that inhabits our body. It’s our temporary outfit until we go to eternity.
As an asset to the corporation, they own your mind, body, and soul.
Ok, I know I have some friends questioning me on that last part. But when you consider that the whole world is operating under the beast system, run by the “god of this world” who influences these families that own the corporations, you can see the connection.
Jesus promises to come back and rule over the world again. Until then, the system that operated without him at the helm is an anti-christ system.
As sinners, slaves to Rome, er, I mean the corporations, we’re on our path to hell until we’re saved. We’re serving our lord the corporation, and it pays us back by offering all the sinful things our hearts desire.
I struggled for so many years believing my life was my own. And some dude want’s me to give up my life to call Him Lord and Saviour? I’m far too strong-willed and stubborn for that! I want to live my life on my terms!
But what I didn’t realize was that it was just an illusion of freedom.
We’ve already slaves owned by someone else. Our corporations (countries) and birth certificates (proof of ownership) prove it.
Jesus came to rescue us from our sins, for the wages of sin, is death. The problem is many do not see the direct connection between the spiritual world to the physical one. They compartmentalize them as two different things that are not actually connected on a global level. They only see spirituality on a personal level.
Jesus already paid our debt to our owners for the sin that we’ve earned as our wages. Our soul belongs to Him. We just have to recognize that. Jesus didn’t save us just so that we can go back to a life of sin that the corporations provide and promote. He just changed our title from slave to servant. Our souls become His and He is called Lord and Saviour.
When we ask Jesus to save us that’s when we become citizens of Heaven. That’s when we become immigrants to our own countries.
Yes, we still abide by the laws of the countries we are guests in. But we’ve got a new citizenship that is of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords that reign over the countries on earth. He has top authority.
It’s time that we start acting like it and put our corporations on notice!
If you call Jesus Christ your Lord. If you gave Him ownership of your life and soul, He calls you to be obedient to His commands. He says the path is narrow, and it’s not going to be pretty. It’s going to get ugly and the world will hate you for it. But if the world hates you, it’s because it hated Him first.
When the government tries to claim authority over Jesus Christ and His Church, that is a requirement for Christians to step up and set them straight. Christians need to understand their birthright and the commitment they have given to the Lord Jesus Christ.
That is why they feared Jesus Christ.
That is why they made Him the ultimate example using crucifixion.
Because they knew, if His word continued to spread, and people took up Jesus on His offer to purchase us, they would lose ownership and control of people’s souls. People would know that they are not owned by the corporations we call countries, but are in fact citizens of the Kingdom of heaven.
However, they didn’t realize that it was His very sacrifice and His blood that would purchase us. That it would free us from our sins and pay for our wages.
When the word spread and the people turned to Christ as their Lord and Saviour Rome was forced to change and adapt. Christians, through what they had learned from Jesus Christ and the growling Church caused Rome to not only change but eventually dismantle and go into hiding.
Rome realized that in order to continue rule over the world, it needed to be more than a country/corporation. It needed to not just rule physically, but also spiritually. It needed to be more than a country. It needed to be a religion.
Rome was never defeated, it just made a strategic move to enslave the world. The results are what we see today. It rules as the Roman Catholic Church and is soon to be one world religion. It rules over the nations in its wealth and its own bank not tied to any one country. It is a part of the beast system.
Can you imagine what would happen when the nations all turned away from this beast system and turned to Jesus Christ?
What would happen to these corporations if they lost most of their assets?
What would happen if every nation, tribe, and tongue confess Jesus Christ as their saviour, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords?
Can you imagine what would happen when the masses realize that we don’t need to be slaves anymore to corrupt corporations that do not respect our souls?
All we have to do is know that God is for us and not against us.
That through Jesus Christ, nothing is impossible.
That He rules over us, and not these corporations.
The mission couldn’t be any simpler.
Know God. Accept God. Follow God. Give up your citizenship to your corporation and become a citizen of heaven. Then, go, make disciples of the nations so that they may be set free.
When I saw the direct connection between what Jesus was teaching us and how the world actually operates, it was a turning point for me.
A lot that I thought was just figuratively speaking, was in fact reality. Things that didn’t make sense are now perfectly clear.
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