Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws
by Mike Cooper | Apr 28, 2023
“Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
~Andrew Fletcher
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla
“And God said…”
People think that everything is affected by energy, frequency, and vibration. The truth is, according to Moses in Genesis, everything was created by God using His voice, which is energy, frequency, and vibration.
As such everything is impacted positively or negatively by energy, frequency, and vibration.
The problem, as always, becomes when man worships the creation of the creator. They believe they can be as gods and use His creation for their evil deeds.
As Andrew Fletcher recognized the power of these tools to manipulate man through music. And he certainly isn’t the last one. When you look at the top music charts…well, for as long as there has been music charts, you’ll notice similar commonalities. Instruments are tuned and played back at specific frequencies. Specific beat patterns are used. And the message of the one true God is forbidden.
I can go on and on, but it’s far better you do your own research on how music is used to manipulate people. Its combination of rhythm, frequency, and message is very powerful against man.
On the same hand, ultrasound, x-rays, and vibration therapy are tools used for health purposes that can be good for us. Again, what it all boils down to is worshipping creation over the creator.
When man worships creation, he is easily deceived in believing that man is a threat to the creation and in order to protect the creation, man needs to be regulated and controlled. Thus will use energy, frequencies, and vibration to achieve such.
When man worships God and knows that all life is made in the image of God, no man should be harmed in the worship of the creation.
Today we see a world that has more energy, frequency, and vibration machines than ever. The majority is used in ways that do more harm than good to us. Many, through evidence that’s very hard to ignore believe that it’s used as a weapon against man.
But don’t take my word for it. Don’t believe your friends either.
We cannot convince you of anything, you need to see and learn about it yourself. I did, and the pure evil behind the curtain doing all of this to the world led me to one conclusion. The Bible is true, all of it.
As Jesus said, Satan is the god of this world, and he seeks to destroy the things God created. He won’t win, but he will take as many souls with him in the process. Ignorance is a choice.