Many churches have become capitalist in nature
by Mike Cooper | Nov 6, 2022
Like the rest of the world, many churches have become capitalist in nature.
The focus is more on numbers than relationships.
???? How many people attended last Sunday?
???? How many got saved?
???? How many were baptized?
???? How much tithing came in?
???? How are we helping people with our finances?
None of this is focused on the person’s soul.
How are we helping their souls?
The mission given by God is to make disciples of the nations, not count numbers.
Our goal of the Church has changed from discipleship to counting people who claim to accept Jesus. Then we go back to numbers and focus on getting those who are claimed to be saved and getting them to volunteer.
We then say our church is a success because look at the number of baptisms we hold and the volunteers we have. We must be doing God’s work to see that success.
My point is not that big churches are bad, or that a church that appears to be thriving is bad.
It’s that when churches become big and start seeing a revival, their focus tends to be misdirected to numbers versus the souls.
And that is their biggest challenge. Because people who feel like another number, just like everywhere else in the world, then the church has nothing different to offer than the rest of the world.