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Narrative Warfare
Narrative warfare.
As per my previous post. The narrative controls the world.
God’s narrative created all, and a twisted narrative of the serpent brought sin.
When you understand that narratives have a direct connection between the spiritual world and the physical one, you realize, this is the war we’re fighting.
The Bible teaches us how to fight our battles, and it’s simple. Control the narrative.
???? Pray to God.
???? Sing Praise to God.
???? Worship God alone.
???? Entertain strangers.
???? Study the bible and sound doctrine.
???? Disciple the nations.
???? Evangelize and tell others about Jesus.
???? Speak the Truth.
???? Shine light into the darkness.
I’m sure I’m missing something. But you can see that the weapon to fight spiritual battles is controlling the narrative. Both in ourselves and in the world.
So if this is how as believers we fight the war, we must know that there is a time to be on defence and offence.
And we must know that the enemy is rarely in defence. He’s always on offence, ready to twist the narrative because that’s how he controls the world.
The Bible uses “discernment” about 64 times. Often it’s connected with conversations of wisdom.
Charles Spurgeon says: “Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between right and wrong; rather it is telling the difference between right and almost right.”
Many people believe that lies are the opposite of the truth. So if you believe something to be true, you will be able to see the lies.
But I believe Spurgeon nailed it. It’s only the bad lies that appear the opposite of the truth. The really good lies are so close to the truth you must have discernment in order to spot the lies.
So, moving back to narrative warfare, how the spiritual battles are fought. Understand, we’re at war. And the enemy is using tools like conversations, the TV, media, news, social media, newspapers, magazines, etc, to fight this war.
When you understand what the battlefield looks like, you start to have more discernment. It’s not the things that are obviously evil that get you. It’s the stuff you need to have discernment in order to see. It’s the narratives that slowly seep into your brain without you realizing it that gain ground on the battlefield.
This is why the spiritual war is not fought after the football game, your favourite program, or on Sunday in Church.
The spiritual battle is fought every single minute of the day and we must have discernment in the enemy’s narratives that take over the narratives we use to fight this battle. Every minute we put down our guard believing the battle is not going on is another minute the enemy is gaining control of the narrative.
And this is why the enemy tells you “what you have to say is not important”. This is why the enemy attacks free speech.
Now I’m going to say something we don’t hear often in Christian circles because we’ve spent too much time on defence instead of offence. This is because the enemy has convinced us, it’s not polite to be on offence, and as a Christian who is loving, you must always be on the defence. I’m just as guilty of falling for this lie as well.
The narrative is your weapon. You read above how to wield it. It’s time to take the offensive position.
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