There is a lot of ways that the devil has tried to divide and conquer the church.
But there is one common foundation that keeps the church united.
We’re all sinners earning our wages of death. We all fall short of the glory of God and need a saviour. There is no way to earn salvation other than knowing what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. And this is so that none can boast, which comes from pride.
Despite our differences in eschatology and theology, we can agree that no works are required for salvation.
There is also one great command we can all agree upon.
Matthew 28:19 (NKJV)
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Why is this command so important?
What? No way! Jesus is all about love, and caring, and sharing, and, and, and…
Look, it’s time to get off this carebear Jesus train we’ve been on and know that of all people, Jesus Christ knew we are at war! And that requires war measure acts.
The problem is that we sinful humans think that wars are fought with horses and chariots, gloves and riffles, missiles and bombs.
But Jesus Christ, son of God, creator of everything knows how to win wars. It’s done in the spiritual world. It’s done on the inside of people. It’s the ultimate example of the Trojan Horse.
And the Trojan Horse is evidence that the enemy also knows this tactic.
In the book “The Art of War” written around 5BC by Sun Tzu, he describes the best way to win a war is to infiltrate the enemy from the inside.
We can see that today as China has infiltrated Canada and the USA from the inside. Even Klaus Schwab outright said that he’s penetrated the government of Canada’s cabinet.
Missiles, bombs, and tanks are all a show of strength when the attacker is weak. The upper hand is given to the one who is in the hearts, minds, and souls of the people on the inside.
And that’s where we’re at today. Satan is working with his minions in attacking us from the inside. He’s made us weak, pathetic, and slaves to our sins. What once were strong Christian nations with people of morals and integrity have become weak.
Why is that? Because we stopped becoming missionaries in our own countries. We stopped discipling the nations.
We made big churches, put a man on the stage, and told him to disciple hundreds to thousands of people from a mic.
Meanwhile, we’ve sent missionaries overseas to do real discipleship. On the groundwork, in enemy territory, teaching and showing people what the love of Christ looks like.
And we cheer them on while we go to work, come home tired, and watch our sports games and entertainment to distract us from the current reality that our society is falling apart.
And then we ask, what went wrong?
And then we ask, who can we blame?
And then we ask, is the end coming, because it sure feels like it.
Look. I’m not going to say we can change God’s plans. He’s not surprised by any of this. But He does often leave us up to our own devices while working out His grand plan.
We can also see that God pours out His blessings on nations that repent. So how do we get a nation to repent and prevent it from falling?
By discipling the nations.