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Religion is not a yes or no question.

by | Dec 30, 2022

Religion is not a yes or no question.

It’s pure ignorance to believe that you don’t serve something bigger than yourself. That would be your ideology and the rituals you perform to serve it.

The only real question is do you recognize what you’re serving?

The most powerful religion in the world is one that people do not realize they’re a part of. It’s disguised simply as living your own truth. Or as Aleister Crowley would say, “Do What Thou Wilt”.

The “I’m following my own path and doing my own thing” is the biggest secret religion in the world.

You see, your worldview or ideology is not something you invented or created yourself. It’s something that’s been well thought out well before it even entered your consciousness.

Very few people actually have the cognitive ability to create such a narrative in their own heads. It has to be so well thought out that it doesn’t have major conflicts in its teachings. It has to be so complicated that people can’t easily dismantle it, yet be so easy that anyone can understand it. Nothing is easier to accept than do what you want.

The few people who can actually create such a narrative become cult leaders, and in reality, their ideas are not even new ones. They just ripped them off and re-worded them with new definitions.

Once they have created what they believe to be a unique a powerful worldview, they can’t help but spread it because they truly believe it is superior to other worldviews or religions.

Once they have decided to share their concept with the world, they must be careful about how they introduce it.

This requires a slow rollout that can take years or even decades to indoctrinate people.

They need to slowly dismantle the foundation of the current religion through false attacks. They need to attack it from within so that it crumbles upon itself. They need to be so deliberate in their attacks that people only see the damage they created and have them believe it was the religion itself that was flawed.

And that is what we see happening in Christianity today.

Slowly over decades, they have chipped away at society removing its Christian foundation and getting people to believe it’s for the better.

They’ve infiltrated Christian churches, organizations, businesses, charities, and homes and have been attacking them from within. The sin of do what thou wilt is their tool of destruction.

They’re responsible for shameful atrocities and labelled them in the name of God.

And then exposed them to the world, pointing to the Christian Church and shouting, “Hypocrisy!”

When the masses see all that is wrong with the world, they look at the Church, the ones who were supposed to be the example of what is pure and righteous and see they are no better than what the world has to offer because the Christians had kept doing what they wanted versus following Gods commands.

And that’s when the Church falls. Just in time for the next worldview/religion to take its place. It’s what the Bible calls the antichrist.

This new religion comes in claiming to be all-inclusive, has all the answers, provides peace, and not needing the fables of God. In fact, it does everything to make itself not look like a religion, they themselves have become gods. They claim to have been free of any enslaving religious construct because they promote, do what you wilt.

But it doesn’t take long for it to fall apart, create chaos, and become very tyrannical in nature. Because the “Do what thou wilt” can only create chaos in society as everyone has their own worldview of what society should look like.

When everyone is following their own truth, the truth becomes relative. When the truth is relative, people become detached from reality. Before you know it, the masses are confused and lost. That is literally when all hell breaks loose because no one knows what to believe or how to act. And that is the best way to enslave and control humanity.

Today we see the beginning symptoms of this as the new religion is pushing its narrative.

???? What is a man?
???? What is a woman?
???? If it feels good, how can it be wrong?
???? You can be anything you want to be, including a cat.
???? If it’s consensual, why is pedophilia wrong?
???? Your skin is different than theirs, and they hate you for it.
???? You’re a bigger victim than they are.

There is no shortage of examples.

The world needs a foundational truth by which people can live. That foundation is Christianity.

Societies that follow Christ are blessed with prosperity. Societies that turn their back on God see destruction.

However, history shows us that every attempt to destroy Christianity and the Bible fails. There is a simple reason for that.

Truth can never be destroyed.

It can be suppressed, It can be hidden, and it can even be called a lie as it has many times in the past.

But it can never be destroyed.

The Church that holds tight to the truth of Jesus Christ may look to be in crisis. It may look like it’s falling apart. And, for a time, it may even look like it is completely obliterated.

But it will always come back because it is truth.

So. Again.

Who or what do you serve? What religion are you following?

Understand, “Do what thou wilt” is the slogan of a cult that destroys all that is good about a society that the Bible and Jesus Christ Himself taught us about in profound ways.

His teachings were so profound, it lead to Him being murdered in the most painful and humiliating ways known to mankind and society cheered it on.

Those very profound teachings are the foundation that the free west was built on. Those profound teachings are what led to a prosperous nation.

Think about it. What kind of sick world did we live in that people watched others get tortured to death for hours and cheered for it?

That’s a far stretch from today…but is it really that far off?

That’s what the cult slogan “do what thou wilt” leads us to.

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Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.


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