When you truly understand the cancerous properties sin has on us and the world, you start to detest the slight bit of it from within.
It’s not to say one becomes perfect and sin-free. You just become hyper-aware of it and want to remove it.
Sometimes it’s an immediate eviction of some sin, for other sins it’s a slow chipping away of them.
The object is not to become sin free, as that’s impossible. It’s knowing that all your sins have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ and allowing Him as Lord to work within you to transform you away from your sinful deeds.
I dare to say that if you call yourself a Christian and continue to let sin control your life, you’ve not given Jesus Christ the full Lordship of your life that He has asked you for. Yes, you’ve believed in Him, but you’ve not called Him Lord from the inside depths of your flesh
I’m not talking about the type of sin we slip up on like forgetting to be loving or patient, again, we’re all sinful. I’m talking about the sin that has a grip on your life and leads to your slavery of it. I’m talking about your addictions, your worship of ungodly things, your worship of false idols, and the sinful acts that cause destruction within your life.
If you gave Jesus Christ full Lordship over your life, these types of sins are not an issue. It’s only an issue when you attempt to serve two masters. For you will love the one and hate the other.
If you continue to be a slave to a specific sin, there is only one question you must ask, who are you calling Lord?