Richard Dawkins, not being a religious fanatic agrees with Christians and God
by Mike Cooper | Mar 23, 2023
In general, most atheists are pretty smart. They just have not come to the right conclusion about creation in my opinion.
It’s the religious fanatics that are not so smart.
They follow the trends back and forth regardless of the facts.
They’re easily swayed into one belief and then back to another based on what they feel serves them best.
Gender theory is one of those religious fanatic ideologies that is extremely harmful to society.
It erodes the foundation on which society is built on. It is not only an attack on biblical principles but on humanity as a whole as it desires to destroy the very thing that produces life.
And to be very clear, this is not an attack on the people who identify as LGBTQXYZ+. I am not attacking anyone. This is the understanding that such ideologies or principalities do not serve humanity, it only takes away from it.
Richard Dawkins, not being a religious fanatic agrees with Christians and God. There are two genders. Anything else is an evil spirit of deception.