Sad truth every Christian should consider
by Mike Cooper | Nov 19, 2022
Sad truth every Christian should look internally to consider based on the following verse.
John 15:19 (NKJV)
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
As a Christian, ask yourself, does the world really hate you?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you go out and do things to be hated.
But we must examine verses like this and ask ourselves the tough questions.
We’re called to not be a part of the world, but history shows that’s not the case.
If you look, we’re really just 10, 20 years maximum behind the world.
We resist what the world want’s for so long, and then we seem to just give in and accept what the world is doing.
Example: When public schools became a thing, the Christians fought against them because they feared what government-controlled schools could do.
Today many Christians think homeschooling is for the ones who dove off the deep end, most likely conspiracy theorists who don’t trust the government.
I’m not judging or condemning any believer by any means. I’m posing a serious question I believe we all need to look inward and ask.
Are we truly separate from the world? Or are we just kidding ourselves as we’re on the same track to the wrong destination?