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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

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Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

“Seeker-sensitive” churches get this wrong

by | Mar 9, 2023

I keep reading about “seeker-sensitive” churches. I never understood the term before.

They’re light on Biblical teaching and preaching because they don’t want to overwhelm or offend people seeking God by preaching the full word of God.

Let me be very clear, as someone who was “seeking” for 18 years.

???? I wanted a soft and easy gospel that was entertaining.
???? I wanted a “care-bear” Jesus that was just loving others.
???? I wanted a positive preaching coach/pastor who left me inspired and wrapped it up with an inspirational song that made me “feel” connected to God.

None of that made me realize how sinful man is.

None of that made me realize how Satan is the god of this world making people do all sorts of evil and wicked things to gain power, profit, or pleasure.

None of that made me see how sinful I was. The sin I allowed to rule over me, is the same exact sin I allow to fester in the world that allows evil to have a stronghold over others.

None of that saved me. I was a pagan looking for the benefits of God without actually accepting Him into my life and allowing for the renewing of my mind.

It wasn’t until God lifted the veil over my eyes and showed me the wickedness of the world that I realized, I needed to stop being a seeker.

It wasn’t until I clearly understood how Satan, the god of this world, manipulates and deceives this world through sin that I realized that I have no hope on my own. I could not conquer sin.

It wasn’t until I saw the real connection between the physical world and the spiritual world in a tangible way that I realized, this is all too real, far more than I could have ever fantasized.

For this reason, I can say without a doubt now, that many who profess to be Christian or are seeking God are not, simply because all they know is a seeker-sensitive teaching church that does not preach the gospel.

I know that’s a bold and very unwelcoming message for those who confess to being a Christian. How dare I claim someone is not a believer when they say they are!

But I have to ask…

???? If someone doesn’t truly understand the concept of what sin is.
???? If they don’t understand how our natural sinful ways control us.
???? If they have not been taught what exactly the Bible calls sin.
???? If they have not been told that they have no hope and cannot defeat sin on their own.
???? If they have not been told that the wages for their sin is death!
???? If they have not been told that Jesus died on the cross to defeat their sin so that they may have everlasting life and believe it wholeheartedly…

Are they truly saved and take on His name?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not seeker friendly. Jesus was never concerned if what He said was offensive, in fact, He knew exactly where it would take Him, right to the cross.

It’s time for a revival. It’s time for the Church to stop worrying about what the world thinks of us, and instead be greatly concerned about what Jesus Christ thinks of us.

The blind obedience to the government, lack of discernment in truth and lies, and closing our doors when people were seeking spiritual answers the most, are all signs of our priorities being in the wrong order. And our pride prevents us from seeing it.

The Church has compromised its image in Christ to be embraced by the world under the ruse of being “seeker sensitive”.

Our sinful instinct says “Do not offend” and “Be an example to the world”. But we got it wrong. We were an example of what the world wanted us to be, not what Jesus Christ wanted us to be. Speakers of truth, light in the darkness, making disciples of the nations.

I don’t say that being outside of the Church pointing at it, I say it from within the Church pointing inward, looking at myself and my sinful ways.

Only to know that we have a loving God, with amazing grace, that saved a wretch like me.

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Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.


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