Spirituality is such a “spirited” conversation because it’s not physical.
It can be so complicated that many just opt out of the entire conversation altogether. They only focus on the physical, because they believe they can at least control the physical.
I mean, how do you control something you don’t believe you can see, touch, smell, etc?
So the conclusion is to accept that which you can control, and deny that which you cannot.
But that doesn’t make it any less real.
Our modern and physical world all functions off of something we believe we cannot see, touch, smell, etc.
It’s called radio waves, or frequencies.
These invisible, non-physical things have been used for quite a while for communication purposes. Some of us remember a time when it was just for audio communication through radio. Then it was “tell-a-vision” sets where the audio and video were magically pushed through the air from a tower to our living rooms.
Now we’re connecting our watches, fridges, phones, and so much more to this invisible world that we have come to believe we cannot see, touch, smell, etc.
Because we cannot physically see, touch, smell, etc these things, we believe they do not impact us. The vast majority just take it for granted that it’s safe and effective. But yet, these frequencies are used to cook your food in the microwave. These frequencies are used to see in your body with ultra-sound, cat-scan, and x-ray machines.
Provided the “frequency” is packaged as good technology meant to help us, we believe it’s only used for good.
I wish that wasn’t the case.
Spirituality and frequency are directly tied together, just like spirituality and the physical world is directly tied together.
The only disconnect is your understanding of this.
Now hold on, I’m not going all new-age here believing we can send out “good vibes” and get everything we want in life.
But there are plenty of scientifically proven studies on how frequencies affect our bodies, health, and minds. Frequencies that if not through technology, we couldn’t observe.
There are plenty of people who have used frequencies to heal themselves of things like cancer. A bad frequency can make you feel horrible, sad, happy, or excited.
Christians tend to shy away from this simply because new-age occultism worships frequency as a god within themselves.
But they shouldn’t. Like everything else on earth, frequency is a creation of God like all things physical.
The danger becomes when we worship creation over creator.
The danger becomes when we believe we can outsmart God with our knowledge of frequencies.
The danger becomes when we believe we have full control over frequencies and God doesn’t.
God controls frequency like everything else on earth. But, when He sees us worshipping the creation instead of the creator, He often steps back and says “ok, have it your own way”.
Much like we sometimes allow our children to fail at something because they want to do it their way instead of learning from us, God does the same with us.
The tough part though is that playing with these frequencies doesn’t leave us with a bruise or scrape. It has a direct influence on our spirit.
Again, frequencies, spirituality, and the physical world are all connected. The only disconnect is your understanding of this.
And as long as we don’t understand it, we will allow it to have a negative impact on us.
In order to understand it, we need something that teaches us how these things are all connected. And I know many of you reading this reject it, but that is the Bible.
No, you may not find the word “frequency” in the bible, much like you won’t find other modern words. But when you read between the lines, it’s all there.
In Genesis 1 we read that God created the entire universe as we know it with his voice. A voice is an audio, a frequency. A frequency so strong, it created everything.
Moses parted the sea so that the Israelites could cross into safety. Not to take away from the miracle of this, but the only scientific explanation for this is God using frequency.
What does Nasa use to examine space, communicate in space, and measure space? Frequencies.
CERN, the Large Hadron Collider uses radio frequencies to accelerate particles.
We harness nuclear power using frequency.
As far as we can tell in recorded history, man is experimenting, manipulating, and using frequency more than ever. And at the same time, in the areas that use this technology the most, and becoming less and less spiritual.
Yes, people still read the bible and try to understand it from a physical perspective. However, the overall spirituality of these people has been declining. We can see that in areas that are full of competing frequencies through technology like radio, wifi, 4G & 5G, etc are much darker places full of low spirit, resulting in physical decay and harm. It is through these places crammed with people and technology that we see the worst of humanity come out.
People, more specifically Christians, I believe need to start paying attention to frequencies more and understand how they impact our spiritual life.
There is a reason why the bible says no one can physically see God, but we can hear Him. There is a reason why much of the Bible was spoken and sung and we worship through music. Because it connects us to God through frequency.
There is a spiritual war going on, and frequency is one of the tools being used to wage war on us.