“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
It sounds nice. It’s a good way to teach your kids to not let what others say not bother them. But is it true?
I hate to break it to you, but it’s a huge lie.
Words are far more power over this world than any physical threat could dream of having.
Throughout history, we can see that humanity has been enslaved, tortured, and beaten into the ground to the point of what seems like no return.
Yet, we can see that narrative (words used to tell a story) are responsible for both those who oppress and those who rise from being oppressed. Songs (narratives) have been used to keep the morale of slaves up as they suffered a great deal. The narrative helped lead many of them to freedom.
Everything we know as humans from the beginning of history started as a narrative.
???? Without a narrative, science wouldn’t have progressed and we wouldn’t understand the world as we do.
???? Without a narrative, we wouldn’t have healthcare systems that have saved countless lives and improved our lifestyles.
???? Without a narrative, we wouldn’t have the technology we all rely on every day just to survive.
It doesn’t take much to see this as all of us have a worldview based on the narratives we have experienced right up to the point that you’re reading this post.
There is not a single idea that came to fruition without first being a narrative.
The same is 100% true for all of history’s atrocities.
???? Without a narrative, the Spanish Inquisition would never have happened.
???? Without a narrative, WWII and Nazi Germany would have never existed.
???? Without a narrative, the communist agenda of human control would never have happened or continue to be a threat.
While the narrative can do great things in moving humanity forward in a way that respects and honours human life, it is also responsible for so much pain we experience.
There is nothing new about this as storytelling (another form of narrative) has been used since the beginning of time to shape the world.
I invite you to go right back to the beginning of the Bible in Genesis. Right in the first few verses, about 5 seconds in you’ll see that God spoke the universe into existence.
Think about that. Just as I stated above. The narrative of God existed before any physical thing did. Everything you know today in existence starts with a narrative.
But it doesn’t take long as we read in Genesis chapter 3 that the snake spoke a narrative that sounded good. It sounded promising and only made Eve question the original narrative. This counter-narrative was the beginning of the fall of humanity.
Understand this, Adam and Eve had in my opinion, a stronger connection to God than any of us could ever imagine. I mean, they were a direct creation of God before sin existed. And yet, that wasn’t enough to stop a twisted narrative from changing the projection of the world.
After you dwell on that for a bit, fast forward to 2020. The year many of us remember as it changed the world as we knew it.
I’m not going to get into all of the facts, data, and narratives out there on what is really going on in the world.
My only goal is to ask you…
If Adam and Eve, the first humans in God’s creation who got to experience God’s glory more than any of us could imagine could be fooled by a simple little twist of the narrative that changed the world, is it even remotely possible that you too could have been fooled in the recent narrative of the world?
Even as a believer, who trusts in God and communicates with God on a daily basis through prayer. Is it slightly possible, your worldview narrative on the recent events could be wrong? Is it possible that the serpent has deceived you?
If you don’t believe so, can I ask you to look at the history of the church and see how God-believing people have been involved in such horrific atrocities as the Spanish Inquisition or paving the way for Hitler to gain power? I can go on and on with examples of how God’s children were deceived with a twisted narrative.
It’s all because of small twists in the narrative that put people under a spell that puts a veil over their eyes.
There is no shame if you have fallen for the lies. We all have fallen for the serpent’s narratives in many different ways in our lives.
That’s why God offers grace and is long-suffering to save us. He knows how strong the narrative of the serpent is. He knows because He experienced it in Jesus Christ. And he showed us that we could overcome and defeat the false narrative through him. Jordan Peterson says the events of Jesus Christ and then those that followed him after his death and resurrection was the biggest impact a narrative has ever had on the world.
So what’s the point in all of this? Why must you question the narratives of the world? Especially as a believer?
The Bible has a lot to say about history, but it has, even more, to say about today and the future. It contains the narrative that explains the projection of the world as we currently see a one-world government, one-world religion, and many satanic rituals being performed right in front of our faces…but even many believers don’t see it.
It can seem scary once your eyes are open to the narrative being pushed so hard today. But as believers, we know that we have hope and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ and that all of this must come to pass before His return. Even if we’re currently misguided by a false narrative, all of that will soon come to an end. There will be just one true narrative when Jesus returns. All will know.
If you have not yet come to accept Jesus Christ in your life or don’t fully understand how the Biblical narrative explains the creation at the beginning to the last days before Jesus returns I suggest you get your hands on a Bible and start studying. I prefer the New King James version personally.
If you do not have access to a bible or are not sure where you can get one, feel free to DM me. I’ve not thought about how yet, but I’ll do my best to connect you with one.
For me, it’s been a great release of fear and worries knowing that the narrative the world is pushing is just a false one. It’s built on thousands of years of lies upon lies.
The problem with that is that sooner or later the false narrative always crumbles away. Before it does that, the serpent tightens its grip trying its very best to keep it from falling apart. But he can only do that for so long before the author of truth returns to defeat him and expose the truth.
If you’re excited about that day, do me a favour and share this post to help others understand the spiritual war we’re under, one in that evil uses the narrative to gain control of the physical world. But the physical battle is truly fought and won in the spiritual realm. God uses us in these spiritual battles, but we need to read and study his word on how He works through us to impact the physical world.