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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

CLICK HERE to buy: A Woman Rides the Beast By Dave Hunt / Harvest House Publishers Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist --- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another...

The Art of War

by | Dec 9, 2022

I have very few books that I say are a must-read.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is one of them.

It’s a short book written by ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu around the 5th century BC.

The quote in this post is very relevant today.

If you pay attention to what’s really going on, you’ll see that most Western countries are under attack from within.

We’re not in a physical battle with other nations. We’re being attacked by our own governments.

And the more I look at it, the war between Russia and Ukraine looks more and more like a misdirection tactic.

It’s a distraction for everyone to look at while we’re being attacked from within by our own government.

???? Control of media
???? Control of food
???? Control of guns
???? Control of medical
???? Control of travel
???? Control of money

Wars fought with brute force are expensive and exhausting.

So if you want to win the war, a better strategy is a long one from within the enemy lines.

The reason why this is so effective is that ordinary people don’t know how this works. We’re too busy playing a short game, only worried about ourselves. This leaves our guard down while we welcome the enemy with open arms.

This strategic tactic of deception is so good, it’s of the Devil himself.

Think about it.

The Bible doesn’t tell us how long the serpent was in the garden. It just starts by saying it was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord had made.

How much trust do you give to strangers that tell you to do something you know you shouldn’t? It could be very well that the serpent was well known to Adam and Eve.

Fast forward. Let’s talk about how sin works.

Sin is a clever little bastard.

It sneaks into our lives as a little seed. Oh, it’s ok, it’s just a little thing. It’s so small, no one will notice. And then we nurture that sin, we feed it, water it, fertilize it until it becomes a little plant, then a bigger plant, and before we know it it’s a big freakin tree rooted into our lives that we can no longer ignore. It’s destroyed our homes, our marriages, and our families.

My point is this. Regardless of the scope you want to look at it. From within the world, our nations, our cities, and our lives. Sin is the enemy, and the enemy attacks us from within.

If you allow it to, sin will consume you, comfort you, control you, and destroy you. Sin has more power over your life than any tyrant can dream of. And that’s why tyrants use our sinful desires as their weapon because they know how easily sin enslaves us.

The war going on in the world right now. The freedom you fight for. The injustice you hate seeing. Winning that battle starts within you. That starts with you evicting the enemy. That starts with you understanding who the real enemy is and how to fight it.

If you want to win the war happening in the world?

I see only one path in doing so.

  1. Turn to Jesus.
  2. Make Him Lord.
  3. Go to spiritual war.
  4. Disciple the nations.

The first 3 parts deal with the enemy within you. The last part is taking the fight against the enemy behind their lines. It’s infiltrating them from within and winning the war without fighting against flesh and blood.

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Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.


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