The government doesn’t care if you believe in gods
by Mike Cooper | Apr 12, 2023
Rome didn’t care that Jesus Christ claimed to be God.
Rome had plenty of gods for you to worship. That’s how they distracted people while they ruled over them.
What got Jesus killed was His claim in being the one and only true God. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Think about that while you worship your favourite sports team, tv show, hobby, computer game, etc.
The government loves it when you’re distracted, it just makes you weak and easier to rule over.
But when you devote your time and offer your worship to Jesus Christ alone, that’s when they have a problem.
But they won’t come after you alone, they’ll use their religious puppets to make the decisions just as they used the Pharisees to decide what should be done to Jesus.
The government will manipulate the latest religious cults to decide what should be done with Christians so they don’t have blood on their hands.
Pay attention to history, the people are weapons to persecute other people who point to a power that is above the government.