The problem with “Never Forget”
by Mike Cooper | Mar 20, 2023
“Never forget”
This is often used to remind us to never forget about a horrific event in the past so that we do not repeat it.
But there is a huge issue in this statement.
You see, we all remember how awful people like Hitler were.
We focus on the “villain” and say “Never forget” what they did.
But we never remember the important part.
We never remember how they got power.
We never remember who followed them.
We never remember that those Germans and murdered Jews were JUST LIKE YOU AND ME.
That’s what we need to remember.
We need to know that you and I are just as capable and likely to go along with the murder of millions of people under the right circumstances, conditions, and brainwashing (casting spells) on us.
That’s the part the bible calls being humble.
Know the evil that exists within us and how it feeds off of our sin.
The more that we embrace or ignore our sins, the stronger the hold the devil has on us, and the more likely we are to go along with such atrocities.
This is one reason why the bible says: For the wages of sin is death…
Not just our death, but the death of many.
And it’s only through Jesus Christ that we can not only prevent such horrific events but also have everlasting life. There is a double benefit to His sacrifice.
There is a reason why Jesus asks to be called Lord of your life and not just Saviour. He’s not asking you to give up your freedom, He’s telling you someone already has lordship over you, and you only have the illusion of freedom.
And the only reason why you don’t know this without a shadow of a doubt is that “someone” twisted the message so that you would forget how important it is.
Never forget, there is only freedom in Christ.