THE truth requires something of you
by Mike Cooper | Mar 14, 2023
THE truth requires something of you.
That’s why people love relative truth.
If it’s not “my truth”, “your truth” does not require me to do anything about it, because “truth” is subjective and you chose that truth, not me.
This concept of truth is purely selfish in nature because you get to live life on your terms only and justify it as the truth.
And when a society is full of selfish people living their own truths, no one cares about that society, and it begins to crumble.
This is exactly what’s happening in the USA and Canada right now. What was once a nation that was proud of its Christian heritage and followed the foundational truth of the bible, is now falling apart under the crumbling foundation of “my truth”.
The same exact thing happened to Rome and other civilizations that collapsed. The greatest empires never fall because of an external attack. They collapse from within because the people forgot the truth and follow their truth. In turn, they become selfish, indulgent, ignorant, and prideful in their selves.
If I can give a warning to any society at any point in time past or future, I would highly suggest that beyond all things, seek the truth.
Truth is not subjective, it is what it is. And once you discover the truth, you can’t ignore it, it requires you to do something about it.