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Book Review: Mere Christianity

Book Review: Mere Christianity

CLICK HERE to buy Mere Christianity By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound...

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Book Review: A Woman Rides the Beast

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The world is controlled by a narrative.

by | May 24, 2023

Everything that has been, is, and will be is the result of words that tell a story.

Every story needs a storyteller, a creator that carefully places all the right words in the specific sentences, in the proper paragraphs, and in the correct chapters.

All to make sure the story makes sense and is shared.

The concept of the automobile started with a story. Imagine, a horseless carriage that doesn’t need to be kept, fed, or rested.

The concept of a fridge started with a story. Imagine a day when the ice box didn’t need new ice delivered daily to keep your food cold and preserved.

The concept of radio communication started with a story. Imagine being able to tell our stories over the air at great distances from each other? At some point that would have been considered magic.

Plato once said that storytellers rule the world. And He’s not wrong.

Entire nations and civilizations are dreamt of, risen, and fallen based on a narrative.

When you understand that the narrative controls everything, you start to pay attention to all of the narratives being told. Some narratives are made to enslave us, and others are designed to set us free.

And it just makes sense, that our very existence started with a narrative. The Word of God.

Genesis tells us that God spoke everything into existence. That’s how powerful the narrative is. God did not use hammers and chisels, drills or jackhammers. He simply said it, and it was created. I don’t believe there is a better illustration of how powerful the narrative is other than the word of God.

Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection were all based on a narrative. A prophecy that He would come, that He would fulfill with undeniable accuracy and that He would save us with.

When it came to fighting in a physical world that oppressed people through their fleshly desires, Jesus Christ taught us how to be free in Him through His narrative.

The spiritual world and the narrative have a deep connection.

Jesus never taught us to fight against the flesh with physical force. He taught us to fight a spiritual battle using His narrative.

As believers of Jesus Christ, calling Him Lord and Saviour, we’re called to disciple the nations using His narrative. We’re to get to the heart of people through His word.

This is because His word is the ultimate authority. His word is the most powerful narrative. It is by God’s word alone that the universe was created, we were saved, and His will be done.

And the best part about it, He wants you in his story. While we’re all sinners who fall short of His glory, He created the very narrative that sets us free from sin.

It’s so perfectly created.
No one deserves it.
No one can earn it.
No one can take it away from you.
And no other narrative can touch it as much as they try.

Dr Jordan B Peterson , the flawed man that he is, once said (paraphrasing): “Very few times can we see the narrative world and physical world connect in such a way that changes the course of history. Jesus Christ was that narrative.”

While I understand Jordan’s thoughts, He appears, from my best understanding, and I hope I am wrong, to still be missing the full context, that Jesus Christ was the word from the beginning.

That every story has a beginning, middle, and end. That Jesus Christ IS there at the beginning, middle, and end, all at the same time, in every part of His story that we live within. And it’s that very omnipresence that makes His narrative undeniable and unstoppable.

Narratives come and go. Many have claimed to be of divine origin, but all other than Jesus Christ have failed to live up to His narrative that is eternal and everlasting.

So, with all of this being said. We’re left with one question.

If the word of God is the most powerful narrative ever created, is the only narrative that can save us from our sin, and the only narrative that offers us true freedom in a world hell-bent on enslaving us, what do YOU do with it?

Do you open it every day with an open heart to be transformed by the narrative of our creator? Do you seek a relationship with Jesus Christ in His word to give you a biblical worldview?

Or does it sit on a shelf, collecting dust, while you pretend to give Jesus lordship of your life, but never actually hear His narrative firsthand? Do you rely on the public speakers to give their narrative spin on the words of Christ, or do you hear them firsthand with your eyes (yes, you read that right)?

If I may suggest…this entire post, while it might inspire you. It may get you thinking. It may wake you up and give you the thing needed to ignite a spark in your heart, Don’t let it end there.

If you have a Bible, open it up and seek God’s wisdom.

If you don’t have a Bible, get one.

If you don’t know where to get one, how to get one, or have a limitation that might stop you from getting one, message me. I have no idea how, but I’m confident God will find a way to get it in your hands.

There is nothing as transformative as the word of God.

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