The written word vs the spoken word
by Mike Cooper | Apr 13, 2023
The written word stimulates the imagination.
The written word educates people.
The written word brings clarity.
The written word allows for progress.
The written word creates efficiencies.
But none of that is possible without the spoken word.
Think about that for a minute.
Ever watch someone grow up from a baby to an adult? The complete process starts with vocal sounds. Crying, moaning, laughing. Then before they can write, they learn to speak. Then they start by learning letters and numbers, then words, then sentences and paragraphs. Some become linguistic masters.
But it all starts with an audible sound from the vocal cords.
Now reflect as the bible tells us in Genesis that God spoke everything into existence.
Understand that before the written word, or before literacy was common, we sang the word of God. Much of the bible was shared through songs and stories.
That’s how powerful the spoken word is.
Now, let’s reflect on a historical event and understand what allowed them to have such great movements.
Nazi Germany is one of the more recent. There was plenty of printed and written propaganda that was used. But those who promoted the agenda knew the power of the spoken word. And that voice was Hitler. It was Hitler’s charismatic speaking that gained him popularity and eventually allowed him to gain enough votes from the people to raise to the top position. I’m not going to get into all the details of how that happened. The point is, the spoken word with passion is what makes people move. The written word is not enough.
Now take a look at the people you know. Who tends to get the attention in your circles? Who tends to get more sales? Who tends to have more friends? Not that any of that is important in life…but it’s the better talkers. Their writing skills are not enough. They must be able to vocalize and articulate what they want to make happen.
Now take a look at anyone who has deceived you or others. Ever seen a snake oil salesman at work? Unfortunately, they are the best linguists, using every spoken word with great intention for one goal, deception.
There is no doubt that Satan, the serpent, the antichrist, and demons all have this skill. Regardless if they use other humans to speak their words or they get into your head and say things in your thoughts, they’re clever at their art of deception with the spoken word.
But none of them have the power of Jesus Christ. Just vocally saying His name is enough to make them cower and flee. Going back to God speaking everything into existence, Jesus Christ saved the world without a written word. He didn’t author a single word in the Bible, and yet, 2000 years later almost the entire world knows of Him, His teachings, and His claim to be the one and only Son of Man. His words were that powerful.
All of this is to say, be careful what you read. Have discernment of what you’re learning. But most importantly, always pay attention to what people are saying and how they’re saying it, as that is what has the power to control the masses. Man would not have fallen had the serpent not spoken.