When I hear people say “This will wake up the masses” I can’t help to believe how naive they are.
I don’t want to sound demeaning, that’s not my intent.
But they fail to understand how powerful hypnosis, psychosis, and brainwashing are.
They think this is just something new, while in fact it’s been used for a very long time.
The Bible has mentioned quite a bit about how people are blinded, have hardened hearts, and have veils over their eyes. Each time requires us to read the context around it, but many times it speaks in a way that suggests that the people or person just can’t see the truth of what’s right in front of them.
The point is, this is nothing new. And it’s extremely powerful.
I’ve personally watched friends do things completely out of their character while being hypnotized on a stage in a nightclub. And they were willing to have it done to them.
The one thing that has changed in the last century that has allowed for the mass psychosis of the planet is technology.
It’s no longer a requirement to get people together or have a small army of people to go out and put the masses under a “spell” and have them do their will.
Through media, mass psychosis, mass hypnosis, and mass brainwashing have never been easier or as effective.
At least in the past a victim who is under a “spell” could be removed from the source and be rehabilitated. Much like how people come out of cults and come back to regular life.
The problem is, there is no escaping it today. The message of the spell is repeated over and over with our technology. The radio, tv, tablets, phones, etc are delivering spellbinding messages all the time.
Making it harder and harder to break people out of the spell.
I’m not suggesting there is no hope and that the spell cannot be broken. But I honestly don’t believe there will be a single event that exposes the lies and all of a sudden everyone will be woken up to them.
Hypnotists will tell you that everyone is different and unique. Some people are easily hypnotized, some are very difficult. The same is true when it comes to reviving them from their sleep.
Waking up the masses is going to take time. It took decades to rehabilitate the masses who helped Hitler do what he did. Most honestly thought they were just doing the right thing.
Even then there are people today still under that spell.
This is why we must always speak the truth of what has happened. We must speak it loudly, with confidence, and often. We must not fear what the people under the spell think.
This is a battle of narratives and we’re up against a powerful machine. David vs Goliath. But we know who won that battle.
Jesus had but only 12 disciples, no media, and nothing but people talking about what he had been doing to spread the word. Yet, the Christian movement is what brought physical Rome down as people were free from the spell that enslaved them to the empire.
And the name of Jesus Christ and what He did for us are spread around the world today. His very message frees us from the spell cast upon us that enslaves our souls. He changed the narrative forever over the course of His ministry and when He died on that cross and rose again three days later.
And yet, people still don’t see even it two thousand years later.
People’s hearts are hardened.
People have veils over their eyes.
The spell of hypnosis, psychosis, and brainwashing is that powerful.
We have freedom in Christ, yet, most a perfectly happy being slaves to their sin, which the empire willingly provides us easy access to while they keep people under their spell. Because they know, that’s how they control the masses.
You can’t wake people up from a spell of sin in which they love to be under.
It takes time and persistence in order to get people to understand they’re under a spell that’s destroying them.
Keep speaking the truth.