To truly know love, one must fully understand evil
by Mike Cooper | Mar 27, 2023
To truly know love, one must fully understand evil.
If love is defined solely as an emotion you feel, you’re capable of great evil under the guise of love.
Because if it feels good, how can it be wrong?
Because love is love right? It holds no barriers.
Because people can’t control what they feel right?
And these are the lies used today to push hateful, harmful, and unethical agendas that destroy society.
Because based on their definition of love, we should have empathy for the child molesters because it’s just a type of love they feel.
Because of their definition of love, we should mutilate our children’s bodies because it’s loving to allow them to do irreversible damage because it feels good now.
Because it’s loving to let children choose death when their minds are going through puberty and are confused.
This is why the bible clearly defined what love is. Human love has its limits and is deceitful.
If you truly want to love your neighbour, be known as a loving person, and walk this planet on the moral high ground, you need a solid definition of what love is, and more importantly, what it is not.
In other words, to be loving, you must know evil.
The bible teaches us that evil comes from sin. Sin is the root of all evil in man. While Jesus Christ saved us from the wages of sin (death) is is our moral obligation to be in active combat with sin.
And when you’re in combat with someone it doesn’t matter if you just study yourself, you must study your opponent.
That is why we must study how sin operates so that it doesn’t defeat us while we’re on Earth.