What does the faith of a child look like?
by Mike Cooper | May 27, 2023
Jesus tells us to have faith like a child.
I think 99% of people get this wrong.
They believe it means to just have a never wavering faith. A child has complete faith in their parents. They see them almost as if they were a god that would never hurt them. They believe that Jesus wants us to look up to Him that way.
And all of that is correct.
But here is the part where I think 99% get it wrong.
While your child had an unwavering faith in the world as they know it, they also never stopped asking “why”?
Why? Why? Why?
Over and over. Sometimes to the point of exhaustion.
And unfortunately, we sinful parents get annoyed easily and ask them to stop.
But God doesn’t want us to stop. God wants us, like a child, to keep asking Him why. He wants us to ask why, and then go to His word to seek answers. He never gets annoyed at us even when we ask the most simple why’s to Him.
And the funny thing is, of the 80-year-old men who spent their lives looking for the answer why in the bible, they still keep getting answers that guide them.
Having a child-like faith is not the same as having a childish faith. It’s knowing who has the answers and never ceasing in asking why.
A Childish faith is believing you know it all, control it all, and having a tantrum when it all goes wrong and blaming God for it.