Why does the world hate the concept of sin?
by Mike Cooper | Jun 5, 2023
Why does the world hate the concept of sin?
They say it’s because it’s a religious construct in order to control people.
In reality, it’s looking at our deepest, darkest, and ugliest flaws and desires and knowing we have no hope of defeating them. Every single human is tempted by their sin.
Sin starts as a tiny seed, and yet is so powerful that it not only brings death and destruction in our earthly realm but also to our eternity in the spiritual realm.
It’s such an all-encompassing disease that progresses through the life of all mankind it took a loving God with immense grace to come to us as a man, show us the example of what it’s like to be sinless, and then save us from our own sin.
God himself basically said you have no hope without me. You cannot do this on your own. You need me in order that you may escape what you deserve because of your sin.
On top of that, Jesus says (paraphrasing) “Follow me, I am the way, the truth, and the life” telling us to follow His examples and teachings.
The world responds with, “Who do you think you are? With our knowledge and progress we can be like gods and do this on our own” pretty much repeating what the serpent told Eve in the garden.
And so, we have a world that believes sin doesn’t exist. They hear the word “sin”, then judge the entire bible based on their perception of what sin actually is. The world believes it can do whatever makes them happy all the time, and that there are no consequences to always following their desires regardless of who it hurts or how it impacts them long term.
The world slowly turns back to their pagan gods of Roman times of a god for love, a god for prosperity, a god for war on those who oppose them, etc, etc. Because the world doesn’t want a God that doesn’t allow them to have anything and everything they want. The world wants a genie in a bottle.
And then we wonder why our world appears to be going to hell in a handbasket. It’s because they believe that fulfilling all their wishes and desires leads to enlightenment and righteousness. Being godly means conquering anything that gets in the way of them fulfilling their desires will fulfill their souls.
When in fact, the truth is the opposite. The character of God shows that offering a sacrifice of yourself for others is God-like. Giving up your pleasures for another. He sacrificed His only begotten son to pave a path to be with YOU. He allowed humanity to have free will, knowing full well what it would do. He showed us the path, knowing full well the majority would not take it. And yet, He remains God, offering full grace and love to anyone who would accept it, regardless of their sin.
If you believe sin is just a religious construct to control people, I would challenge you to properly investigate it for what it is. Once you understand it for what it truly is, you will see, it enslaves us a leads us to death, and only God, through the works of Jesus Christ can you be saved from it.